Wikipedia:Dự án/Điện ảnh/Bài trọng tâm

Danh sách này tham khảo từ Danh sách do dự án điện ảnh thuộc wikipedia tiếng Anh lập. Các bộ phim được đánh số thứ tự để dễ theo dõi, thứ tự này hoàn toàn không có ý nghĩa xếp hạng.

TT Tác phẩm Đạo diễn Năm Đánh giá
001 Citizen Kane Orson Welles 1941
002 Vertigo Alfred Hitchcock 1958 B
003 The Rules of the Game Jean Renoir 1939
004 2001: A Space Odyssey Stanley Kubrick 1968
005 8 1/2 Federico Fellini 1963
006 Bố già Francis Ford Coppola 1972 B
007 The Searchers John Ford 1956
008 The Battleship Potemkin Sergei Eisenstein 1925
009 Seven Samurai Akira Kurosawa 1954
010 Tokyo Story Yasujiro Ozu 1953
011 Singin' in the Rain Stanley DonenGene Kelly 1952
012 Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans F.W. Murnau 1927
013 Lawrence of Arabia David Lean 1962
014 Bicycle Thieves Vittorio De Sica 1948
015 Casablanca Michael Curtiz 1942 CLC
016 L'Atalante Jean Vigo 1934
017 The Passion of Joan of Arc Carl Theodor Dreyer 1928
018 Raging Bull Martin Scorsese 1980
019 Rashomon Akira Kurosawa 1950
020 Bố già phần II Francis Ford Coppola 1974 B
021 Touch of Evil Orson Welles 1958
022 Some Like It Hot Billy Wilder 1959 B
023 City Lights Charles Chaplin 1931
024 The Third Man Carol Reed 1949
025 Grand Illusion Jean Renoir 1937
026 La Dolce Vita Federico Fellini 1960
027 The Gold Rush Charles Chaplin 1925
028 Taxi Driver Martin Scorsese 1976
029 Sunset Boulevard Billy Wilder 1950
030 The General Buster KeatonClyde Bruckman 1927
031 Children of Paradise Marcel Carne 1945
032 Psycho Alfred Hitchcock 1960
033 Breathless Jean-Luc Godard 1960
034 Ordet Carl Theodor Dreyer 1955
035 Apocalypse Now Francis Ford Coppola 1979
036 Chinatown Roman Polanski 1974
037 The Night of the Hunter Charles Laughton 1955
038 L'Avventura Michelangelo Antonioni 1960
039 Dr. Strangelove Stanley Kubrick 1964
040 Persona Ingmar Bergman 1966
041 Andrei Rublev Andrei Tarkovsky 1966
042 Jules et Jim Francois Truffaut 1961
043 The Magnificent Ambersons Orson Welles 1942
044 The 400 Blows Francois Truffaut 1959
045 It's a Wonderful Life Frank Capra 1946 B
046 Blade Runner Ridley Scott 1982
047 Rear Window Alfred Hitchcock 1954
048 Modern Times Charles Chaplin 1936
049 North by Northwest Alfred Hitchcock 1959
050 La strada Federico Fellini 1954
051 Intolerance D.W. Griffith 1916
052 The Seventh Seal Ingmar Bergman 1957
053 M Fritz Lang 1931
054 Ugetsu Kenji Mizoguchi 1953
055 The Apartment Billy Wilder 1960
056 Contempt Jean-Luc Godard 1963
057 Wild Strawberries Ingmar Bergman 1957
058 The Wild Bunch Sam Peckinpah 1969
059 Pather Panchali Satyajit Ray 1955
060 Gone with the Wind Victor Fleming 1939 B
061 Au hasard Balthazar Robert Bresson 1966
062 The Wizard of Oz Victor Fleming 1939 B
063 Rio Bravo Howard Hawks 1959
064 Greed Erich von Stroheim 1924
065 The Conformist Bernardo Bertolucci 1969
066 The Leopard Luchino Visconti 1963
067 Nashville Robert Altman 1975
068 Viridiana Luis Bunuel 1961
069 The Mirror Andrei Tarkovsky 1975
070 Metropolis Fritz Lang 1926
071 To Be or Not to Be Ernst Lubitsch 1942
072 All About Eve Joseph Mankiewicz 1950 B
073 Once Upon a Time in the West Sergio Leone 1968
074 Fanny and Alexander Ingmar Bergman 1982
075 Notorious Alfred Hitchcock 1946
076 The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance John Ford 1962
077 Letter from an Unknown Woman Max Ophuls 1948
078 Madame de... Max Ophuls 1953
079 Bringing Up Baby Howard Hawks 1938
080 Pickpocket Robert Bresson 1959
081 Ikiru Akira Kurosawa 1952
082 Amarcord Federico Fellini 1973
083 Stagecoach John Ford 1939
084 Pierrot le fou Jean-Luc Godard 1965
085 My Darling Clementine John Ford 1946
086 Voyage in Italy Roberto Rossellini 1953
087 Playtime Jacques Tati 1967
088 Sansho the Bailiff Kenji Mizoguchi 1954
089 Last Year at Marienbad Alain Resnais 1961
090 L'Age d'Or Luis Bunuel 1930
091 Aguirre: Wrath of God Werner Herzog 1972
092 Barry Lyndon Stanley Kubrick 1975
093 A Clockwork Orange Stanley Kubrick 1971
094 Double Indemnity Billy Wilder 1944
095 The Battle of Algiers Gillo Pontecorvo 1965
096 Hiroshima mon amour Alain Resnais 1959
097 The Man with a Movie Camera Dziga Vertov 1929
098 Rome, Open City Roberto Rossellini 1945
099 Goodfellas Martin Scorsese 1990
100 Sherlock Jr. Buster Keaton 1924
101 Napoleon Abel Gance 1927
102 His Girl Friday Howard Hawks 1940
103 Duck Soup Leo McCarey 1933
104 On the Waterfront Elia Kazan 1954
105 Nosferatu F.W. Murnau 1922
106 Jaws Steven Spielberg 1975
107 Blue Velvet David Lynch 1986
108 Gertrud Carl Theodor Dreyer 1964
109 Los Olvidados Luis Bunuel 1950
110 Star Wars George Lucas 1977
111 The Treasure of the Sierra Madre John Huston 1948
112 Broken Blossoms D.W. Griffith 1916
113 Manhattan Woody Allen 1979
114 The Lady Eve Preston Sturges 1941
115 King Kong Merian C. CooperErnest Schoedsack 1933
116 Annie Hall Woody Allen 1977
117 Out of the Past Jacques Tourneur 1947
118 Ashes and Diamonds Andrzej Wajda 1958
119 My Life to Live Jean-Luc Godard 1963
120 The Exterminating Angel Luis Bunuel 1962
121 Ran Akira Kurosawa 1985
122 The Best Years of Our Lives William Wyler 1946
123 The Birth of a Nation D.W. Griffith 1915
124 Chimes at Midnight Orson Welles 1966
125 Stalker Andrei Tarkovsky 1979
126 A Matter of Life and Death Michael PowellEmeric Pressburger 1946
127 The Grapes of Wrath John Ford 1940
128 The Red Shoes Michael PowellEmeric Pressburger 1948
129 Umberto D. Vittorio De Sica 1952
130 A Man Escaped Robert Bresson 1956
131 One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest Milos Forman 1975 B
132 The Decalogue Krzysztof Kieslowski 1988
133 Paisan Roberto Rossellini 1946
134 Earth Alexander Dovzhenko 1930
135 E.T.: The Extra Terrestrial Steven Spielberg 1982
136 Don't Look Now Nicolas Roeg 1973
137 Bonnie and Clyde Arthur Penn 1967
138 Black Narcissus Michael PowellEmeric Pressburger 1946
139 Red River Howard Hawks 1948
140 Belle de jour Luis Bunuel 1967
141 Jeanne Dielman, 23 Quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles Chantal Akerman 1975
142 The Philadelphia Story George Cukor 1940 B
143 Once Upon a Time in America Sergio Leone 1984
144 The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari Robert Wiene 1919
145 Brief Encounter David Lean 1945
146 Mean Streets Martin Scorsese 1973
147 The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp Michael PowellEmeric Pressburger 1943
148 The Shining Stanley Kubrick 1980
149 Ivan the Terrible, Part One Sergei Eisenstein 1944
150 Ivan the Terrible, Part Two Sergei Eisenstein 1946
151 Pulp Fiction Quentin Tarantino 1994
152 Shoah Claude Lanzmann 1985
153 A Day in the Country Jean Renoir 1936
154 Cries and Whispers Ingmar Bergman 1972
155 The Travelling Players Theo Angelopoulos 1975
156 A Woman Under the Influence John Cassavetes 1974
157 The Band Wagon Vincente Minnelli 1953
158 La Jetee Chris Marker 1962
159 The Gospel According to St. Matthew Pier Paolo Pasolini 1964
160 The Quiet Man John Ford 1952
161 The Maltese Falcon John Huston 1941
162 Trouble in Paradise Ernst Lubitsch 1932
163 The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie Luis Bunuel 1972
164 Days of Heaven Terrence Malick 1978
165 The World of Apu Satyajit Ray 1959
166 Badlands Terrence Malick 1973
167 Un chien andalou Luis Bunuel 1928
168 The Palm Beach Story Preston Sturges 1942
169 McCabe and Mrs. Miller Robert Altman 1971
170 Monsieur Verdoux Charles Chaplin 1947
171 Sullivan's Travels Preston Sturges 1941
172 The Mother and the Whore Jean Eustache 1973
173 The Last Laugh F.W. Murnau 1924
174 Sweet Smell of Success Alexander Mackendrick 1957
175 Kind Hearts and Coronets Robert Hamer 1949
176 Brazil Terry Gilliam 1985
177 The Conversation Francis Ford Coppola 1974
178 The Crowd King Vidor 1928
179 Raiders of the Lost Ark Steven Spielberg 1981
180 Nights of Cabiria Federico Fellini 1957
181 Celine and Julie Go Boating Jacques Rivette 1974
182 L'eclisse Michelangelo Antonioni 1962
183 Vampyr Carl Theodor Dreyer 1932
184 Death in Venice Luchino Visconti 1971
185 Rocco and His Brothers Luchino Visconti 1960
186 Ali: Fear Eats the Soul Rainer Werner Fassbinder 1974
187 The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly Sergio Leone 1966
188 Performance Nicolas RoegDonald Cammell 1970
189 Pandora's Box G.W. Pabst 1928
190 Late Spring Yasujiro Ozu 1949
191 Close-Up Abbas Kiarostami 1989
192 The Music Room Satyajit Ray 1958
193 The Exorcist William Friedkin 1973
194 The Spirit of the Beehive Victor Erice 1973
195 Paths of Glory Stanley Kubrick 1957
196 Beauty and the Beast Jean Cocteau 1946
197 Blowup Michelangelo Antonioni 1966
198 It Happened One Night Frank Capra 1934 B
199 Written on the Wind Douglas Sirk 1956
200 The Deer Hunter Michael Cimino 1978
201 L'Argent Robert Bresson 1983
202 A Night at the Opera Sam Wood 1935
203 Imitation of Life Douglas Sirk 1959
204 La Notte Michelangelo Antonioni 1961
205 Do the Right Thing Spike Lee 1989
206 The Wages of Fear Henri-Georges Clouzot 1952
207 Freaks Tod Browning 1932
208 Orpheus Jean Cocteau 1950
209 Unforgiven Clint Eastwood 1992
210 Nanook of the North Robert Flaherty 1922
211 The Birds Alfred Hitchcock 1963
212 Schindler's List Steven Spielberg 1993
213 Berlin Alexanderplatz Rainer Werner Fassbinder 1980
214 A Star Is Born George Cukor 1954
215 The Graduate Mike Nichols 1967
216 Tabu F.W. Murnau 1931
217 Alexander Nevsky Sergei Eisenstein 1938
218 Only Angels Have Wings Howard Hawks 1939
219 The River Jean Renoir 1951
220 Meet Me in St. Louis Vincente Minnelli 1944
221 Peeping Tom Michael Powell 1960
222 Last Tango in Paris Bernardo Bertolucci 1973
223 Bride of Frankenstein James Whale 1935
224 Two or Three Things I Know About Her Jean-Luc Godard 1966
225 Solaris Andrei Tarkovsky 1972
226 Close Encounters of the Third Kind Steven Spielberg 1977
227 Throne of Blood Akira Kurosawa 1957
228 The Story of the Late Chrysanthemums Kenji Mizoguchi 1939
229 Week End Jean-Luc Godard 1967
230 Alien Ridley Scott 1979
231 The Bridge on the River Kwai David Lean 1957 Sơ khởi
232 Rosemary's Baby Roman Polanski 1968
233 Sans soleil Chris Marker 1983
234 The Great Dictator Charles Chaplin 1940
235 Diary of a Country Priest Robert Bresson 1950
236 Germany Year Zero Roberto Rossellini 1947
237 The Shop Around the Corner Ernst Lubitsch 1940
238 The Crime of Monsieur Lange Jean Renoir 1936
239 Zero for Conduct Jean Vigo 1933
240 Le Samourai Jean-Pierre Melville 1967
241 Johnny Guitar Nicholas Ray 1954
242 Mr. Hulot's Holiday Jacques Tati 1953
243 The Passenger Michelangelo Antonioni 1975
244 Salo Pier Paolo Pasolini 1975
245 Shoot the Piano Player Francois Truffaut 1960
246 The Tree of Wooden Clogs Ermanno Olmi 1978
247 Wings of Desire Wim Wenders 1987
248 The Umbrellas of Cherbourg Jacques Demy 1964
249 Shane George Stevens 1953
250 West Side Story Robert WiseJerome Robbins 1961 B