I'm Yuphie !

About me :

I'm Doan Bao, a casual freelance developer with over 1 year of experience. My favorite stuff is music, Youtube contents, and games.

Skills : Web Frontend/Backend.

Example printInfo (j4f) :

function printInfo() {
    var i = ""; // default string
    // append string
    i += "Name : Doan Bao\n";
    i += "Age : 13\n";
    i += "About me : I'm Doan Bao, a casual freelance developer with over 1 year of experience. My favorite stuff is music, Youtube contents, and games.";

    return i; // return string

var info = printInfo();


Example searchInfo (j4f) :

const info = { // object "info"
    "name": "Doan Bao",
    "age": 13, // int
    "about": "I'm Doan Bao, a casual freelance developer with over 1 year of experience. My favorite stuff is music, Youtube contents, and games."

function searchInfo(data) {
    var r = null;

    if (info[data]) {
        r = info[data]; // replace null with info[data]

    return r;

// Find my name

// Find my age

// Find my about
Interested ?
Check out my website : Click here !.