Wikipedia:Danh sách hình ảnh chọn lọc của Commons/2011
Tháng 01
1 Batrachostomus septimus 01
2 Petroica phoenicea
3 Eiffel Tower from north Avenue de New York, Aug 2010
4 White Stork (Ciconia ciconia) (5)
5 Hexaplex radix 01
6 Macropus rufogriseus rufogriseus Bruny
7 Phalacrocorax carbo Vic
8 Uetliberg LCD
9 Moulin Moidrey
10 Steampunk-falksen
11 Aulostomus maculatus (Trumpetfish -brown variation)
12 Callyspongia vaginalis (Branching Vase Sponge - pink variation)
13 Creedite 3
14 Rathaus Großbottwar neu edit
15 Belfort-Pano-1
16 Icebreaker Stephan Jantzen in Stadthafen Rostock 2010-12-28 perspective correction-GD
17 On the edge - free world version
18 Molaire de Platybelodon grangeri perspective
19 Turbo imperialis 01
20 Plan de Paris en 1657
21 Porto Covo January 2011-2b
22 Maslenica Bridge (D 8), Croatia
23 Stereo snow crystals
24 Emperor-Dragonfly-(5)
25 Ebony Bones-01
26 Phyllidia
27 Vallee-brouillard
28 Adi Holzer Werksverzeichnis 849 Die Taufe
29 Greyhound Racing 2 amk
30 Phacochère9
31 Viaduc Saillard
32 Strombus sinuatus 2010 G1
33 Tetragonias njalilus 01
34 Pic du Midi de Bigorre cloudy Wikimedia Commons
35 Tunicate komodo
36 Âne d'Ethiopie.jpg
37 Canis lupus arctos (Pocock, 1935)
38 Old and wise
39 Adansonia grandidieri04.jpg 2
40 Dorflinde Haselbach, 2
41 Skyline Frankfurt 2011-01
42 Haliotis midae 01
43 Chaunax stigmaeus dorsal view2
44 Eriphia verrucosa male 2009 G5
45 Pieris rapae ce1.jpg (2nd attempt)
46 Hawaje-NoRedLine
47 Sortie de l'opéra en l'an 2000-2.jpg (2)
48 Parkinsonia parkinsoni 01
49 The Great Sphinx, Pyramids of Gizeh-1839) by David Roberts, RA
50 Turtle golfina escobilla oaxaca mexico claudio giovenzana 2010
51 Pont-Alexandre-III-et-Invalides
52 Eilean Donan Castle, Scotland - Jan 2011
53 Bufonaria perelegans 2010 G1
54 Crotalus-basiliscus-basiliskenklapperschlange
55 Écorché cavalier Fragonard Alfort 1
56 Rote Flüh von Haldensee
57 Taupe MHNT.OST.1997.45
58 Xenophora pallidula 01
59 Lindenstumpf, Panorama, 3
60 Château de Himeji02
61 Ficheiro-Araña alimentándose de Auchenorrhyncha. Bastavales, Brión, 090905
62 Cyttaria.fruit
Tháng 02
1 Klebriger-hörnling
2 Freudenberg-014 crop
3 Locomotive ChS8-075 2011 G1
4 A sculpture at the entrance to the palace of Versailles
5 Antonius Kloster BW 15 Retouched
6 Cymbium cymbium 01
7 Mexican yoyos
8 Tonna sulcosa 01
9 Pseudoasaphus praecurrens MHNT.PAL.2003.439
10 Megyeri híd
11 Burg Taufers01archedit 2011-01-03
12 Lewis&ClarkBridgeSP
13 Fête de la Concorde, arrivée des corporations au Champ-de-Mars
14 Quentin Massys 008
15 Calaveras skulls
16 Tschengla Panorama
17 Art Tatum, Vogue Room 1948 (Gottlieb)
18 1944 NormandyLST
19 Charlotte catherine de la Trémoille de Condé Guillain Louvre LP 400
20 Mexican curious monkey
21 Mycale laxissima (Strawberry Vase Sponge)
22 Quito calle García Moreno
23 Bürstegg 2011-01-30
24 Harpago chiragra 01
25 Landmannalaugar in summer 2009 (13)
26 Opal Pool YNP2
27 Toronto - ON - Schaft des CN Tower
28 Wind Lift I, Emder Hafen
29 Boletus impolitus 2010 G2
30 Faschina Panorama
31 Triple Portrait of Cardinal de Richelieu probably 1642, Philippe de Champaigne
32 20110102 Kharanaq old city Iran
33 Hong Kong Skyline Panorama - Dec 2008
34 Gipslöcher Lech
35 Paris-Rome. Beaumont le gagnant sur monoplan Bleriot, moteur Gnome, magneto Bosch
36 Batak Warriors 60011135 edit
37 McKinley Prosperity
38 Andromeda Galaxy (with h-alpha)
39 Monanchora unguifera (Pink Lumpy sponge)
40 Gyps rueppellii -Nairobi National Park, Kenya-8-4c
41 Paddlefish Polyodon spathula
42 Fogo, Cape Verde Islands
43 Toronto - ON - CN Tower bei Nacht2
44 Kecskemet 2010 Türk Yıldızları photo 53
45 Salticidae sp. AF 2
46 Dutch army Pzh-2000 firing on Taliban in Chura. June 16, 2007. Photo by David Axe
47 360º Panorama Saulakopf
48 Rock face, Ruby Beach, Olympic National Park, Washington State, 1992
49 Kairo Ibn Tulun Moschee BW 5
Tháng 03
1 Spizella arborea CT5
2 2011-02-13-chemin
3 Big air Québec 2011
4 Diceros bicornis MNHN
5 ACE EMD F40PH Fremont - San Jose
6 John Reynolds death 2
7 Auf dem Gehrenberg 6
8 Space Shuttle Discovery under a full moon, 03-11-09
9 Magellanic penguin, Valdes Peninsula, e
10 Meteora Agios Triadas IMG 7632
11 Sitta canadensis CT3
12 Polyporus squamosus 2010 G4
13 Cyphoma signatum (Fingerprint Cowry - Haiti)
14 Pieter Bruegel the Elder - The Dutch Proverbs - Google Art Project
15 Rapperswil SG Panorama Februar 2011
16 Graz - Uhrenturm6
17 Marmolada Sunset
18 ReverseGeneticsFlu
19 Iguana iguana Portoviejo 01
20 Strix varia DM1
21 Gais AR Dorfplatz Panorama 1
22 Solar annular eclipse of January 15, 2010 in Jinan,Republic of China
23 Hacienda jaral de berrios
24 Iguana iguana Portoviejo 04
25 In the Conservatory
26 Amphiprion ocellaris (Clown anemonefish) in Heteractis magnifica (Sea anemone)
27 Gruppo del Sella
28 Red rockfish
29 360º Pano Auenfeld Hochtannberg
30 Clitocybe-odora
31 Dendroconus figulinus 01
32 Sella group panorama
33 Moers, 2010-12 CN-I, Nebel Schwafheim
34 Viscum album section 2011 G1
35 Ötlingen - Panoramaansicht klein
36 HŽ 2044 between Turcin and Sveti Ilija
37 Meandrina meandrites (Maze Coral)
38 Salix caprea Male
39 Torre de Hércules - DivesGallaecia2012-62
40 KTM Quad 990 neutral
41 Old Tower night winter 2011 G1
42 Armillaria-mellea-hallimasch
43 Bufo-alvarius-coloradokröte
44 2011-03-09-fort-du-lomont-10
45 2011-03-09-fort-du-lomont-3
46 Schloss Beuggen Schlosskirche (Deckengemälde) 1
47 Grapsus grapsus Galapagos Islands
48 Fulguropsis radula 01
49 Archers frieze Darius 1st Palace Suse Louvre AOD 488 a
50 Alphonse-Desjardins
51 Trientalis borealis, Québec (Matthieu Gauvain)
52 Erdmännchen, Suricata suricatta 1
53 Sri Mariamman Temple Singapore 3 amk
54 Hesperiphona vespertina CT3
55 Aplysina archeri (Stove-pipe Sponge-pink variation)
56 Limule(dD)
57 Schweiz Karte Baedeker, 1913
58 Gatineau - QC - Museum of Civilisation
59 Rajpoots 2
60 Ardea herodias -Illinois, USA -flying-8
Tháng 04
1 NYC subway-4D
2 Cariama cristata Vienna2008
3 Leeds Castle, Kent, England 3 - May 09
4 Calocochlia pan 01
5 Porte musc perspective 5
6 Angela Merkel IMG 4162 edit
7 De Zoeker LCD
8 Lunenburg - NS - Lunenburg Academy edit
9 Lörrach - Galluskirche - Fenster in der Grabkapelle
10 Schimpanse, Pan troglodytes 3
11 Anax imperator qtl2
12 NS - Pride of Baltimore II
13 Nusfjord road, 2010 09
14 Atriolum robustum (Ascidian) on Siphonogorgia godeffroyi (Soft tree coral)
15 Nembrotha kubaryana (Nudibranch)
16 Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba)
17 Résurrection Corneille cartouche central 2
18 Angaria delphinus 01
19 Teide qtl1
20 Hafnium ebeam remelted
21 The Sun by the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly of NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory - 20100801
22 Windmühle auf der Île de Noirmoutier.jpg
23 Amphianthus sp. (Colonial anemone)
24 Zirconium crystal bar and 1cm3 cube
25 Thecacera sp. (Polyceridae nudibranch)
26 Maria von Braun 6330121 edited
27 ZavarzinaAlena6
28 Ducati 748 Studio
29 Vanadium crystal bar and 1cm3 cube
30 Valle de La Orotava qtl1
31 1730 Homann Map of Scandinavia, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland and the Baltics - Geographicus - Scandinavia-homann-1730
32 Church of the virgin of the burgh Rhodes 14th century night
33 Redear sunfish FWS 1
Tháng 05
1 Busycon contrarium 01
2 Oncorhynchus nerka
3 Trithemis arteriosa qtl3
4 Khajuraho Dulhadeo 2010
5 Torre-Mozza Toscana
6 Jerusalem Holy Sepulchre BW 22
7 SNCF TGV Duplex Viaduc de Cize - Bolozon
8 Compass rose Cantino
9 Parabuteo unicinctus (Temminck 1824)
10 Pisaura mirabilis 03 (MK)
11 Croc conclave
12 Foundation nail IMG 0073-black
13 Weil am Rhein - Dreiländerbrücke9
14 3Ring release animation
15 Junco hyemalis hyemalis CT2
16 Werkstatt eines Schiffszimmerers im Altonaer Museum IMG 5128 edit
17 Hauhechel-Bläuling, Polyommatus icarus Paarung 1
18 Roller Chain Render (with numbers)
19 Tobacco Hornworm 1
20 Claudius Lavergne - Saint Louis - Senlis
21 Havne udsigt fra dokken
22 Pyrrhosoma nymphula qtl4
23 Muskellunge USFWS
24 Spinning Dancer
25 Still life fleamarket amk
26 Tibellus oblongus qtl4
27 Lörrach-St. Peter - Nordostansicht-2010-08-09
28 Wehranlage Grosshesselohe XL
29 Aerosol spray top luxrender (with numbers)
30 Oberaargletscher from Oberaar, 2010 07
31 Poeke Kasteel R02
32 Weil am Rhein - Dreiländerbrücke10
33 Crocodylus acutus in La Manzanilla
34 Parc de Versailles, Bassin de Flore, Jean-Baptiste Tuby (1672-79) 07
35 Striped bass FWS 1
36 Libellula quadrimaculata qtl2
37 Tiger beetle Lophyra sp.
38 Stinkfliege Coenomyia ferruginea 01 (MK)
39 Asperitas inquinata penidae 01
40 Mumified head IMG 0515
41 Pink salmon FWS
42 Robinhunicke 240x160 August2009
43 Hakaniemen metroasema 2
44 Zonotrichia albicollis CT1
45 Römerberg Frankfurt abends
46 Stinkfliege Coenomyia ferruginea 02 (MK)
47 Eurasian Spoonbill
48 Plioplatecarpus 01
49 Maersk Elba
50 USA 10638 Bryce Canyon Luca Galuzzi 2007
51 Dowel-animation
52 Raftsundet panorama, 2010 09.jpg
53 Attacus atlas qtl1
54 Azerbajiani landscape - Another version
55 Lacerta agilis male 2011 G2
56 Micropterus dolomieu2
57 Pieris cheiranthi qtl1
58 Zonotrichia leucophrys CT2
59 Sardinian Warbler
60 Sleeping Melecta 02 (MK)
Tháng 06
1 Carduelis tristis CT2
2 Kiril Lazarov 06
3 Varanasi Munshi Ghat3
4 360° Hochalppass Panorama
5 Moth 01 (MK)
6 Shiva as the Lord of Dance LACMA edit
7 Carpodacus purpureus CT3
8 C. Bechstein Poster, about 1920 edit
9 Ansel Adams - National Archives 79-AA-Q01 restored
10 Tarsiger rufilatus - Doi Inthanon
11 Leptophis ahaetulla Snake Eating a Frog (Craugastor gollmeri)
12 La Chambre à Arles, by Vincent van Gogh, from C2RMF
13 Big Sur McWay Falls May 2011
14 ANTONY GORMLEY Widderstein 09
15 Pheucticus ludovicianus CT3
16 Pheucticus ludovicianus CT4
17 IIT Machinery Hall
18 Elisabethkirche Schneeberg color corr
19 Su25-kompo-vers2
20 Iglesia de san francisco 300 dpi
21 Kotor and Boka kotorska - view from city wall
22 Pied Avocet chick
23 Soft coral peach komodo
24 Pi-unrolled-720
25 20110419 Ani North Walls Turkey Panorama
26 Mural in Northeast Pavillion, Thomas Jefferson Building by Elmer E. Garnsey 11670u edit
27 MiG-29 38
28 20110421 Tbilisi Georgia Panoramic
29 Gemeine Blutzikade Cercopis vulnerata 01 (MK)
30 Mona Lisa, by Leonardo da Vinci, from C2RMF retouched
31 Gemeine Blutzikade, Cercopis vulnerata 1
32 Anemone purple anemonefish
33 Archilochus colubris CT2
34 Polygonia c-album qtl2
35 The Immaculate Conception, by Giovanni Battista Tiepolo, from Prado in Google Earth
36 Marek Szufa Jenny
37 Schachbrett Melanargia galathea
38 View to Lyngenfjorden from east coast, 2011 06
Tháng 07
8 Saturn's Rings in Ultraviolet Light
uploaded by LuisArmandoRasteletti, nominated by LuisArmandoRasteletti -
15 Bataille Waterloo 1815 reconstitution 2011 cuirassier
uploaded by Myrabella, nominated by Tomascastelazo -
16 The total phase of the June 15 lunar eclipse
uploaded and nominated by Beria