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Fit for purpose? Or beyond repair? Europe’s border management framework has developed a lot over the past decade with the creation of the Schengen Information System, the Visa Information System and the border agency Frontex. Yet, all these instruments already seem overwhelmed by the rapid influx of immigrants and refugees and by the ever present threat of terrorism.

The Euranet Plus and SKAI panels asked if it’s the fault of the EU border member states, such as Greece, Hungary, Italy, that the influx of refugees was so huge; or it is the fault of broader EU failings? The panels also considered whether the EU should accelerate negotiations with states such as Turkey, FYROM and Serbia, in order to convince them to do more to stop the refugees?

The English and Greek language sections asked if Frontex’ tasks of budget, organisation ad regulation are sufficient to get the job done? And, what should the role of Frontex be in Eurosur, the information-exchange framework designed to improve the management of Europe’s external borders? Is a real European system of border guards needed?

The debate was jointly produced by Euranet Plus and Skaï Radio, Greek member of the Euranet Plus network, and was hosted by Skaï Radio’s Stavros Samouilidis, in Greek and in English. A student from the Romanian campus radio station affiliated to Euranet Plus also joined the debate.

Get all the details and the video recording at euranetplus-inside.eu/citizens-corner-debate-migration-ma...

Guests: Dimitrios PAPADIMOULIS, MEP, Greece, European Parliament Vice-President, Confederal Group of the European United Left – Nordic Green Left, www, @papadimoulis Eva KAILI, MEP, Greece, Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament, @EvaKaili Miltiadis KYRKOS, MEP, Greece, Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament, Substitute of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs, www, @miltos_kyrkos Georgios KYRTSOS, MEP, Greece, Group of the European People’s Party (Christian Democrats), www, @GiorgosKyrtsos Sofia SAKORAFA, MEP, Greece, Confederal Group of the European United Left – Nordic Green Left, Member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, www, @SofiaSakorafa

Evangelia KEKELEKI, Greece, Member of the European Economic and Social Committee, Various Interests Group (Group III)
Nguồn gốc Greek part - Citizens’ Corner debate: Migration maze – policing Europe’s borders, whose job is it?
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: Greek part - Citizens’ Corner debate- Migration maze – policing Europe’s borders, whose job is it? (27093780463).jpg
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