This UK artistic work, of which the author is unknown and cannot be ascertained by reasonable enquiry, is in the public domain because it is one of the following:
A photograph, which has never previously been made available to the public (eg. by publication or display at an exhibition) and which was taken before 1st January 1955; or
A photograph, which was made available to the public (eg. by publication or display at an exhibition) before 1st January 1955; or
An artistic work other than a photograph (eg. a painting), which was made available to the public (eg by publication or display at an exhibition) before 1st January 1955.
This tag can be used only when the author cannot be ascertained by reasonable enquiry. If you wish to rely on it, please specify in the image description the research you have carried out to find who the author was.
This tag does not apply to engravings or musical works. Unpublished anonymous paintings remain in copyright until 31st December 2039
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Ghi một dòng giải thích những gì có trong tập tin này
{{Information |Description=Cole Porter in 1934 |Source= |Date=1934 |Author=unknow |Permission=This UK artistic work, of which the author is unknown and cannot be ascertained by reasonable e
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