Tập tin:Các khách tham dự lễ nhậm chức Tổng thống.jpg

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Miêu tả

Miêu tả
English: Các khách tham dự lễ nhậm chức Tổng thống Philippines
Nguồn gốc https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2REJcCjC1iY&list=LL&index=4&t=18556s
Tác giả RTVMalacanang

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Public domain This work is in the public domain in the Philippines and possibly other jurisdictions because it is a work created by an officer or employee of the Government of the Philippines or any of its subdivisions and instrumentalities, including government-owned and/or controlled corporations, as part of their regularly prescribed official duties; consequently, any work is ineligible for copyright under the terms of Part IV, Chapter I, Section 171.11 and Part IV, Chapter IV, Section 176 of Republic Act No. 8293 and Republic Act No. 10372, as amended, unless otherwise noted. However, in some instances, the use of this work in the Philippines or elsewhere may be regulated by this law or other laws.

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hiện tại02:24, ngày 20 tháng 1 năm 2023Hình xem trước của phiên bản lúc 02:24, ngày 20 tháng 1 năm 20231.221×633 (207 kB)Sử dụng hợp líUploaded a work by RTVMalacanang from https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2REJcCjC1iY&list=LL&index=4&t=18556s with UploadWizard
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