Mô đun:Year in various calendars
Mô đun này có thể phù hợp với tiêu chí xóa nhanh của Wikipedia vì nó là bản mẫu/mô đun không liên kết hoặc không sử dụng ở bất kỳ trang nào. Lưu ý các bản mẫu/mô đun quan trọng nhiều người xem hoặc được nhúng ở nhiều trang khác thì không thuộc diện xóa nhanh. Xem XN BM3.
Nếu mô đun này không nằm trong các tiêu chí xóa nhanh, hãy dời thông báo này đi. Bảo quản viên, Điều phối viên chú ý: Hãy kiểm tra liên kết, lịch sử (sửa đổi cuối) và nhật trình trước khi xóa trang. Kiểm tra Google: web, tin tức. Người đặt thông báo chú ý: cần thận trọng khi đánh giá bài viết của người mới đến; trong nhiều trường hợp cần giúp đỡ người mới hoàn thiện bài viết thay vì yêu cầu xóa nhanh; hành động yêu cầu xóa nhanh chỉ là ý kiến của cá nhân bạn nhưng có thể gây hiểu lầm là yêu cầu của cộng đồng Wikipedia. |
require('Module:Module wikitext')._addText([[{{db-banmaukhonglienket}}]]);
-- Load dependencies.
local getArgs = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs
local numToRoman = require( 'Module:Roman' ).main
local getOlympiad = require( 'Module:Ancient Olympiads' )._main
local getDynasty = require( 'Module:Ancient Egypt era' )._main
local getPharaoh = require( 'Module:Ancient Egypt kings' )._main
local numToArmenian = require( 'Module:Armenian' ).main
local getRegnal = require( 'Module:British regnal year' ).main
local japaneseEra = require( 'Module:Japanese calendar' ).era()
-- Define constants.
local lang = mw.language.getContentLanguage()
local currentYear = tonumber( lang:formatDate( 'Y' ) )
-- Helper functions
local function isInteger( num )
-- Checks if a value is an integer. If so, returns the value converted to a number.
-- If not, returns false.
num = tonumber( num )
if num and math.floor( num ) == num and num ~= math.huge then
return num
return false
local function BCToNum( s )
-- Converts strings of the format "n BC" to their corresponding
-- numerical values.
if type( s ) ~= 'string' then
return nil
s = mw.ustring.match( mw.ustring.upper( s ), '^([1-9]%d*)%s*BC$' )
if not s then
return nil
local num = tonumber( s )
num = ( num - 1 ) * -1
return num
local function numToBC( num )
-- For BC years, returns a string with the year name appended with " BC".
-- Otherwise returns nil.
num = isInteger( num )
if not num then return end
if num <= 0 then
return string.format( '%d BC', 1 - num )
local function ADToNum( s )
-- Converts strings of the format "AD n"
-- to their corresponding numerical values.
if type( s ) ~= 'string' then
return nil
s = mw.ustring.match( mw.ustring.upper( s ), '^AD%s*([1-9]%d*)$' )
if not s then
return nil
local num = tonumber( s )
return num
local function numToAD( num )
-- For AD years up to 100, returns a string with the year name prepended with "AD ".
-- Otherwise returns nil.
num = isInteger( num )
if not num then return end
if (num <= 100) then
return string.format( 'AD %d', num )
local function formatNegative(s)
-- Replaces hyphens in a string with minus signs if the hyphen comes before a number.
s = mw.ustring.gsub( s, '%-(%d)', '−%1' )
return s
-- Calendar box class definition
local calendarBox = {}
calendarBox.__index = calendarBox
function calendarBox:new( init )
init = type( init ) == 'table' and init or {}
local obj = {}
local pagename = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().text
-- Set the year. If the year is specified as an argument, use that.
-- Otherwise, use the page name if it is valid. If the pagename isn't
-- valid, use the current year.
local yearNum = isInteger( init.year )
local yearBC = BCToNum( init.year )
local yearAD = ADToNum( init.year )
local pageNum = isInteger( pagename )
local pageBC = BCToNum( pagename )
local pageAD = ADToNum( pagename )
if yearNum then -- First, see if the year parameter is a number.
self.year = yearNum
elseif yearBC then -- Second, see if the year parameter is a "yyyy BC" string.
self.year = yearBC
elseif yearAD then -- Third, see if the year parameter is an AD/CE/year string.
self.year = yearAD
elseif pageNum then -- Fourth, see if the pagename is an integer.
self.year = pageNum
elseif pageBC then -- Fifth, see if the pagename is a "yyyy BC" string.
self.year = pageBC
elseif pageAD then -- Sixth, see if the pagename is an AD/CE/year string.
self.year = pageAD
self.year = currentYear -- If none of the above apply, use the current year.
-- Set year text values.
self.BCYearName = numToBC( self.year )
self.ADYearName = numToAD( self.year )
if self.BCYearName then
self.yearText = self.BCYearName
elseif self.ADYearName then
self.yearText = self.ADYearName
self.yearText = tostring( self.year )
-- Set other fields.
self.caption = self.yearText
self.footnotes = init.footnotes
return setmetatable( obj, {
__index = self
function calendarBox:setCaption( s )
-- Sets the calendar box caption.
if type( s ) ~= 'string' or s == '' then return end
self.caption = s
function calendarBox:addCalendar( obj )
-- Adds a calendar or a calendar group.
if type( obj ) ~= 'table' and type( obj.new ) ~= 'function' then return end -- Exit if the object is invalid.
self.calendars = self.calendars or {}
table.insert( self.calendars, obj )
-- Add an alias for adding calendar groups. The function is the same, but it might be confusing for users
-- to have to use the name "addCalendar" for a calendar group.
calendarBox.addCalendarGroup = calendarBox.addCalendar
function calendarBox:export()
-- Outputs the calendar box wikitext.
local root = mw.html.create( 'table' )
-- Export the calendar box headers.
:addClass( 'infobox vevent' )
:css( 'width', '22em' )
:tag( 'caption' )
:css( 'font-size', '125%' )
:tag( 'span' )
:addClass( 'summary dtstart' )
:wikitext( self.caption )
-- Export the calendars and calendar groups. "calendar:export()" works for both kinds
-- of objects. Some export functions can return nil, so we need to check for that.
if type( self.calendars ) == 'table' then
for _, calendar in ipairs( self.calendars ) do
local calendarText = calendar:export()
if type( calendarText ) == 'string' then
root:wikitext( calendarText )
-- Add footnotes.
if type( self.footnotes ) == 'string' and self.footnotes ~= '' then
:tag( 'tr' )
:tag( 'td' )
:attr( 'colspan', '2' )
:wikitext( string.format( '<small>%s</small>', self.footnotes ) )
return tostring( root )
-- Calendar group class definition
-- Calendar groups are used to group different calendars together.
-- Previously, the template did this by including a table row with
-- no year value. By using objects we can do the same thing more
-- semantically.
local calendarGroup = {}
calendarGroup.__index = calendarGroup
function calendarGroup:new( init )
init = type( init ) == 'table' and init or {}
local obj = {}
-- Get the heading and throw an error if it is invalid.
obj.heading = init.heading
if type( obj.heading ) ~= 'string' then
error( 'calendarGroup: no heading detected' )
-- Set the metatable and return the object.
self.__index = self
return setmetatable( obj, {
__index = self
function calendarGroup:addCalendar( calendar )
-- Adds a calendar object to the calendar group.
self.calendars = self.calendars or {}
if type( calendar ) == 'table' and type( calendar.getLink ) == 'function' then
table.insert( self.calendars, calendar )
function calendarGroup:export()
-- Exports the calendar group's wikitext.
-- Indent and italicise each calendar's link if it exists.
for i, calendar in ipairs( self.calendars ) do
local link = calendar:getLink()
if type( link ) == 'string' then
self.calendars[ i ]:setRawLink( string.format( " - ''%s''", link ) )
-- Create the heading row html and export the calendar objects.
local ret = mw.html.create()
:tag( 'tr' )
:tag( 'td' )
:wikitext( self.heading )
:tag( 'td' ) -- Use a blank tag to make the html look nice.
for _, calendar in ipairs( self.calendars ) do
ret:wikitext( calendar:export() )
return tostring( ret )
-- Calendar class definition
local calendar = {}
calendar.__index = calendar
calendar.type = 'calendar'
function calendar:new()
local obj = {}
return setmetatable( obj, {
__index = self
function calendar:setLink( link, display )
-- Sets the calendar's wikilink, with optional display text and italics.
if type( link ) ~= 'string' or link == '' then return end
display = type( display ) == 'string' and display ~= '' and display
if display then
self.link = string.format( '[[%s|%s]]', link, display )
self.link = string.format( '[[%s]]', link )
function calendar:setRawLink( s )
-- Sets the calendar's wikilink as raw wikitext.
if type( s ) ~= 'string' or s == '' then return end
self.link = s
function calendar:getLink()
-- Returns the calendar's link value.
return self.link
function calendar:setYear( year )
-- Sets a single year. Can be passed either a string or a number.
-- If passed as a number, it is formatted with minus signs instead of hyphens.
-- If passed as a string, no minus-sign formatting occurs; this should be done in the individual calendar definitions.
if type( year ) == 'number' then
year = tostring( year )
self.year = formatNegative( year )
elseif type( year ) == 'string' then
self.year = year
function calendar:setYearRange( year1, year2 )
-- Sets a year range. Must be passed two numbers.
if type( year1 ) == 'number' and type( year2 ) == 'number' then
local year
if year1 < 0 or year2 < 0 then -- Leave a gap for negative years to avoid having a minus sign and a dash right next to each other.
year = string.format( '%d – %d', year1, year2 )
year = formatNegative( year )
year = string.format( '%d–%d', year1, year2 )
self.year = year
function calendar:setYearCouple( year1, year2 )
-- Same as setYearRange, only with a slash (/) in the middle. Must be passed two numbers.
-- Additional text possible, must be defined as follows: addtext = string.format( 'additional text or link')
-- See example in Seleucid era calendar
if type( year1 ) == 'number' and type( year2 ) == 'number' then
local year
if year1 < 0 or year2 < 0 then -- Leave no gap for negative years.
year = string.format( '%d/%d %s', year1, year2, addtext )
year = formatNegative( year )
year = string.format( '%d/%d %s', year1, year2, addtext )
self.year = year
function calendar:export()
-- Outputs the calendar wikitext.
-- Exit if no link has been specified.
local link = self.link
if type( link ) ~= 'string' or link == '' then return end
-- If no year has been specified, set the year value to N/A.
local year = self.year
if type( year ) ~= 'string' or year == '' then
year = "''N/A''"
-- Build the table row.
local ret = mw.html.create()
:tag( 'tr' )
:tag( 'td' )
:wikitext( link )
:tag( 'td' )
:wikitext( year )
return tostring( ret )
-- Build the box
local function makeCalendarBox( args )
-- Initiate the box and get the year values.
local init = args
local box = calendarBox:new( init )
local year = box.year
local yearText = box.yearText
-- Set the caption.
box:setCaption( box.caption .. ' in various [[Calendar era|calendars]]' )
-- Gregorian calendar
local gregorian = calendar:new()
gregorian:setLink( 'Lịch Gregory' )
-- Get the year link.
local gregcal = args.gregcal
if type( gregcal ) == 'string' and gregcal ~= '' then
gregorian.yearLink = string.format( '[[%s|%s]]', gregcal, yearText )
gregorian.yearLink = yearText
-- Set the year.
gregorian.romanYear = numToRoman{ math.abs(year) } .. (year < 0 and ' BC' or '')
if gregorian.romanYear then
gregorian:setYear( string.format(
[[%s<br /><span style="font-family: serif;">''%s''</span>]],
gregorian.yearLink, gregorian.romanYear
) )
gregorian:setYear( gregorian.yearLink )
box:addCalendar( gregorian )
-- French Republican calendar
-- displays only in years 1793 - 1805 and 1871
-- This calendar was in use and had defined years only for the short period on display.
-- Its importance during these few years is also the reason why it should stay out of the alphabetic order.
-- See discussion on talk page.
if year >= 1793 and year < 1806 or year == 1871 then
local republican = calendar:new()
republican:setLink('Lịch Cộng hòa Pháp')
if year <= 1870 then
republican:setYearRange( year - 1792, year - 1791 )
elseif year == 1871 then
republican:setYear( year - 1792 ) -- Paris Commune, May
box:addCalendar( republican )
-- Ab urbe condita
-- Varro's correlation, from 1 AUC
if year >= -752 then
local abUrbe = calendar:new()
abUrbe:setLink( 'Ab urbe condita' )
abUrbe:setYear( year + 753 )
box:addCalendar( abUrbe )
-- Ancient Egypt era
-- Displays dynasty between 1549 BC and 30 BC
-- Displays pharaoh or king between 752 BC and 30 BC
if year > -1549 and year <= -29 then
local ancEgypt = calendar:new()
'Niên đại học Ai Cập',
'Kỷ nguyên Ai Cập cổ đại'
ancEgypt:setYear( getDynasty( year ) )
box:addCalendar( ancEgypt )
if year > - 752 and year <= -29 then
local ancPharaoh = calendar:new()
'Danh sách các pharaoh',
'<i>- Pharaoh</i>'
ancPharaoh:setYear( getPharaoh( year ) )
box:addCalendar( ancPharaoh )
-- Ancient Olympiads
-- Currently only the first 194 Olympiads
-- May be expanded until 394 AD when data available
if year >= -1300 and year < 1 then
local ancOlympiads = calendar:new()
'Lịch Hy Lạp cổ đại',
'Kỷ nguyên Hy Lạp cổ đại'
ancOlympiads:setYear( getOlympiad( year ) )
box:addCalendar( ancOlympiads )
-- Armenian calendar
if year > 551 then
local armenian = calendar:new()
armenian:setLink( 'Lịch Armenia' )
local armenianYear = year - 551
armenian:setYear( string.format( '%s<br />ԹՎ %s', armenianYear, numToArmenian( armenianYear ) ) )
box:addCalendar( armenian )
-- Assyrian calendar
local assyrian = calendar:new()
assyrian:setLink( 'Lịch Assyria' )
assyrian:setYear( year + 4750 )
box:addCalendar( assyrian )
-- Bahá'í calendar
-- displays only after 1843
if year >= 1844 then
local bahai = calendar:new()
bahai:setLink( "Lịch Bahá'í" )
bahai:setYearRange( year - 1844, year - 1843 )
box:addCalendar( bahai )
-- Balinese saka calendar
local balinese = calendar:new()
balinese:setLink( 'Lịch Saka Bali' )
if year - 76 > 0 then
balinese:setYearRange( year - 79, year - 78 )
box:addCalendar( balinese )
-- Bengali calendar
local bengali = calendar:new()
bengali:setLink( 'Lịch Bengal' )
bengali:setYear( year - 593 )
box:addCalendar( bengali )
-- Berber calendar
local berber = calendar:new()
berber:setLink( 'Lịch Berber' )
berber:setYear( year + 950 )
box:addCalendar( berber )
-- Regnal year
if year >= 1000 then
local regnal = calendar:new()
local regnalName
if year > 1706 then
regnalName = 'Vương quốc Anh'
regnalName = 'Anh'
regnal:setLink( 'Năm trị vì của quân chủ Anh', regnalName .. ' Năm trị vì' )
regnal:setYear( getRegnal( year ) )
box:addCalendar( regnal )
-- Buddhist calendar
local buddhist = calendar:new()
buddhist:setLink( 'Phật lịch' )
buddhist:setYear( year + 544 )
box:addCalendar( buddhist )
-- Burmese calendar
local burmese = calendar:new()
burmese:setLink( 'Lịch Myanmar' )
burmese:setYear( year - 638 )
box:addCalendar( burmese )
-- Byzantine calendar
local byzantine = calendar:new()
byzantine:setLink( 'Lịch Byzantin' )
byzantine:setYearRange( year + 5508, year + 5509 )
box:addCalendar( byzantine )
-- Chinese calendar
local chinese = calendar:new()
chinese:setLink( 'Lịch Trung Quốc' )
-- Define the information for the "heavenly stems" and "earthly branches" year cycles.
-- See [[Chinese calendar#Cycle of years]] for information.
local heavenlyStems = {
{ '甲', '[[Giáp (Thiên can)|Giáp]]' }, -- 1
{ '乙', '[[Ất]]' }, -- 2
{ '丙', '[[Bính]]' }, -- 3
{ '丁', '[[Đinh (Thiên can)|Đinh]]' }, -- 4
{ '戊', '[[Mậu (Thiên can)|Mậu]]' }, -- 5
{ '己', '[[Kỷ (Thiên can)|Kỷ]]' }, -- 6
{ '庚', '[[Canh (Thiên can)|Canh]]' }, -- 7
{ '辛', '[[Tân (Thiên can)|Tân]]' }, -- 8
{ '壬', '[[Nhâm (Thiên can)|Nhâm]]' }, -- 9
{ '癸', '[[Quý (Thiên can)|Quý]]' } -- 10
local earthlyBranches = {
{ '子', '[[Tý]]' }, -- 1
{ '丑', '[[Sửu (Địa chi)|Sửu]]' }, -- 2
{ '寅', '[[Dần]]' }, -- 3
{ '卯', '[[Mão]]' }, -- 4
{ '辰', '[[Thìn]]' }, -- 5
{ '巳', '[[Tỵ]]' }, -- 6
{ '午', '[[Ngọ]]' }, -- 7
{ '未', '[[Mùi (Địa chi)|Mùi]]' }, -- 8
{ '申', '[[Thân (Địa chi)|Thân]]' }, -- 9
{ '酉', '[[Dậu]]' }, -- 10
{ '戌', '[[Tuất]]' }, -- 11
{ '亥', '[[Hợi]]' } -- 12
-- Calculate the cycle numbers from the year. The first sexagenary year corresponds to the ''previous'' year's entry
-- in [[Chinese calendar correspondence table]], as the Chinese New Year doesn't happen until Jan/Feb in
-- Gregorian years.
local sexagenaryYear1 = ( year - 4 ) % 60
local sexagenaryYear2 = ( year - 3 ) % 60
local heavenlyNum1 = (sexagenaryYear1 - 1) % 10 + 1 -- amod, since lua arrays are 1-indexed
local heavenlyNum2 = (sexagenaryYear2 - 1) % 10 + 1
local earthlyNum1 = (sexagenaryYear1 - 1) % 12 + 1
local earthlyNum2 = (sexagenaryYear2 - 1) % 12 + 1
-- Get the data tables for each permutation.
local heavenlyTable1 = heavenlyStems[ heavenlyNum1 ]
local heavenlyTable2 = heavenlyStems[ heavenlyNum2 ]
local earthlyTable1 = earthlyBranches[ earthlyNum1 ]
local earthlyTable2 = earthlyBranches[ earthlyNum2 ]
-- Work out the continously-numbered year. (See [[Chinese calendar#Continuously numbered years]].)
local year1 = year + 2696
local year2 = year + 2697
local year1Alt = year1 - 60
local year2Alt = year2 - 60
-- Format any negative numbers.
year1 = formatNegative( tostring( year1 ) )
year2 = formatNegative( tostring( year2 ) )
year1Alt = formatNegative( tostring( year1Alt ) )
year2Alt = formatNegative( tostring( year2Alt ) )
-- Return all of that data in a (hopefully) reader-friendly format.
chinese:setYear( string.format(
[=[[[Can Chi|%s%s]]年 <small>(%s %s)</small><br />%s or %s<br /> ''— to —''<br />%s%s年 <small>(%s %s)</small><br />%s or %s]=],
heavenlyTable1[ 1 ],
earthlyTable1[ 1 ],
heavenlyTable1[ 2 ],
earthlyTable1[ 2 ],
heavenlyTable2[ 1 ],
earthlyTable2[ 1 ],
heavenlyTable2[ 2 ],
earthlyTable2[ 2 ],
) )
box:addCalendar( chinese )
-- Coptic calendar
local coptic = calendar:new()
coptic:setLink( 'Lịch Copt' )
coptic:setYearRange( year - 284, year - 283 )
box:addCalendar( coptic )
-- Discordian calendar
local discordian = calendar:new()
discordian:setLink( 'Lịch Discordia' )
discordian:setYear( year + 1166 )
box:addCalendar( discordian )
-- Ethiopian calendar
local ethiopian = calendar:new()
ethiopian:setLink( 'Lịch Ethiopia' )
ethiopian:setYearRange( year - 8, year - 7 )
box:addCalendar( ethiopian )
-- Hebrew calendar
local hebrew = calendar:new()
hebrew:setLink( 'Lịch Hebrew' )
hebrew:setYearRange( year + 3760, year + 3761 )
box:addCalendar( hebrew )
-- Hindu calendars
local hindu = calendarGroup:new{ heading = '[[Lịch Hindu]]' }
-- Vikram Samvat
local vikramSamvat = calendar:new()
vikramSamvat:setLink( 'Vikram Samvat' )
vikramSamvat:setYearRange( year + 56, year + 57 )
hindu:addCalendar( vikramSamvat )
-- Shaka Samvat
local shakaSamvat = calendar:new()
shakaSamvat:setLink( 'Quốc lịch Ấn Độ', 'Shaka Samvat' )
if year >= 78 then
shakaSamvat:setYearRange( year - 79, year - 78 )
hindu:addCalendar( shakaSamvat )
-- Kali Yuga
local kaliYuga = calendar:new()
kaliYuga:setLink( 'Kali Yuga' ) -- use italics
kaliYuga:setYearRange( year + 3100, year + 3101 )
hindu:addCalendar( kaliYuga )
box:addCalendarGroup( hindu )
-- Holocene calendar
local holocene = calendar:new()
holocene:setLink( 'Lịch Holocen' )
holocene:setYear( year + 10000 )
box:addCalendar( holocene )
-- Igbo calendar
-- In the old template this was a calendar group with just one calendar; intentionally adding this as a single
-- calendar here, as the previous behaviour looked like a mistake.
if year >= 1000 then
local igbo = calendar:new()
igbo:setLink( 'Lịch Igbo' )
igbo:setYearRange( year - 1000, year - 999 )
box:addCalendar( igbo )
-- Iranian calendar
local iranian = calendar:new()
iranian:setLink( 'Lịch Iran', 'Các loại lịch Iran' )
if year - 621 > 0 then
iranian:setYearRange( year - 622, year - 621 )
iranian:setYear( string.format( '%d BP – %d BP', 622 - year, 621 - year ) )
box:addCalendar( iranian )
-- Islamic calendar
local islamic = calendar:new()
islamic:setLink( 'Lịch Hồi giáo' )
local islamicMult = 1.030684 -- the factor to multiply by
local islamicSub = 621.5643 -- the factor to subtract by
if year - 621 > 0 then
local year1 = math.floor( islamicMult * ( year - islamicSub ) )
local year2 = math.floor( islamicMult * ( year - islamicSub + 1 ) )
islamic:setYearRange( year1, year2 )
local year1 = math.ceil( -islamicMult * ( year - islamicSub ) )
local year2 = math.ceil( -islamicMult * ( year - islamicSub + 1 ) )
islamic:setYear( string.format( '%d BH – %d BH', year1, year2 ) )
box:addCalendar( islamic )
-- Japanese calendar
-- starting 600
if year >= 600 then
local japanese = calendar:new()
japanese:setLink( 'Lịch Nhật Bản' )
japanese.thisEra = japaneseEra:new{ year = year }
if japanese.thisEra then
local japaneseYearText = {}
japanese.oldEra = japanese.thisEra:getOldEra()
if japanese.oldEra and japanese.oldEra.eraYear and japanese.thisEra.article ~= japanese.oldEra.article then
japanese.oldText = string.format( '%s %d', japanese.oldEra.link, japanese.oldEra.eraYear )
table.insert( japaneseYearText, japanese.oldText )
table.insert( japaneseYearText, ' / ' )
if japanese.thisEra.eraYear then
table.insert( japaneseYearText, string.format( '%s %d', japanese.thisEra.link, japanese.thisEra.eraYear ) )
table.insert( japaneseYearText, string.format( '<br /><small>(%s%s年)</small>', japanese.thisEra.kanji, japanese.thisEra.eraYearKanji ) )
japanese:setYear( table.concat( japaneseYearText ) )
box:addCalendar( japanese )
-- Javanese calendar
local javanese = calendar:new()
javanese:setLink( 'Lịch Java' )
local javaneseMult = 1.030684 -- the factor to multiply by
local javaneseSub = 124.9 -- the factor to subtract by
if year - 124 > 0 then
local year1 = math.floor( javaneseMult * ( year - javaneseSub ) )
local year2 = math.floor( javaneseMult * ( year - javaneseSub + 1 ) )
javanese:setYearRange( year1, year2 )
local year1 = math.ceil( -javaneseMult * ( year - javaneseSub ) )
local year2 = math.ceil( -javaneseMult * ( year - javaneseSub + 1 ) )
box:addCalendar( javanese )
-- Juche calendar
-- displays only after 1910
if year >= 1910 then
local juche = calendar:new()
juche:setLink( 'Lịch Bắc Triều Tiên', 'lịch chủ thể' )
if year > 1911 then
juche:setYear( year - 1911 )
box:addCalendar( juche )
-- Julian calendar
local julian = calendar:new()
julian:setLink( 'Lịch Julius' )
if year >= -45 and year < 1582 then
elseif year >= 1582 then
local diff = math.floor(year/100-2) - math.floor(year/400)
if year % 100 == 0 and year % 400 ~= 0 then
julian:setYear('Gregorian minus ' .. diff-1 .. ' or ' .. diff .. ' days')
julian:setYear('Gregorian minus ' .. diff .. ' days')
box:addCalendar( julian )
-- Korean calendar
local korean = calendar:new()
korean:setLink( 'Lịch Triều Tiên', 'lịch Đàn Quân' )
korean:setYear( year + 2333 )
box:addCalendar( korean )
-- Minguo calendar
local minguo = calendar:new()
minguo:setLink( 'Lịch Dân Quốc', 'Lịch Trung Hoa Dân Quốc' )
if year > 1949 then
local minguoYear = year - 1911
minguo:setYear( string.format( '[[Đài Loan|Dân Quốc]] %d<br /><small>民國%d年</small>', minguoYear, minguoYear ) )
elseif year > 1911 then
local minguoYear = year - 1911
minguo:setYear( string.format( '[[Trung Hoa Dân Quốc (1912–1949)|THDQ]] %d<br /><small>民國%d年</small>', minguoYear, minguoYear ) )
local minguoYear = 1911 - year + 1
minguo:setYear( string.format( '%d trước [[Trung Hoa Dân Quốc (1912–1949)|THDQ]]<br /><small>民前%d年</small>', minguoYear, minguoYear ) )
box:addCalendar( minguo )
-- Nanakshahi calendar
local nanakshahi = calendar:new()
nanakshahi:setLink( 'Lịch Nanakshahi' )
nanakshahi:setYear( year - 1468 )
box:addCalendar( nanakshahi )
-- Seleucid era
-- displays from 312 BC until 1200 AD
if year >= -311 and year < 1200 then
local seleucid = calendar:new()
seleucid:setLink( 'Vương quốc Seleukos' )
addtext = string.format( '[[Anno Graecorum|AG]]')
seleucid:setYearCouple( year + 311, year + 312, addtext )
box:addCalendar( seleucid )
-- Thai solar calendar
local thai = calendar:new()
thai:setLink( 'Dương lịch Thái Lan' )
if year >= 1941 then
thai:setYear( year + 543 )
else -- if year >= 1912 or year <= 1887 -- year started in March/April
thai:setYearRange( year + 542, year + 543 )
-- else -- Rattanakosin Era, 1888?-1912
-- thai:setYear( string.format( '%d – %d <small>([[Vương quốc Rattanakosin]])</small>', year - 1782 , year - 1781 ) )
box:addCalendar( thai )
-- Tibetan calendar
local tibetan = calendar:new()
tibetan:setLink( 'Lịch Tây Tạng' )
-- Define the information for the "heavenly stems" and "earthly branches" year cycles.
-- See [[Tibetan calendar#Years]] for information.
local heavenlyStems = {
{ '阳木', 'Dương Mộc' }, -- 1
{ '阴木', 'Âm Mộc' }, -- 2
{ '阳火', 'Dương Hỏa' }, -- 3
{ '阴火', 'Âm Hỏa' }, -- 4
{ '阳土', 'Dương Thổ' }, -- 5
{ '阴土', 'Âm Thổ' }, -- 6
{ '阳金', 'Dương Kim' }, -- 7
{ '阴金', 'Âm Kim' }, -- 8
{ '阳水', 'Dương Thủy' }, -- 9
{ '阴水', 'Âm Thủy' } -- 10
local earthlyBranches = {
{ '鼠', 'Thử' }, -- 1
{ '牛', 'Ngưu' }, -- 2
{ '虎', 'Hổ' }, -- 3
{ '兔', 'Thố' }, -- 4
{ '龙', 'Long' }, -- 5
{ '蛇', 'Xà' }, -- 6
{ '马', 'Mã' }, -- 7
{ '羊', 'Dương' }, -- 8
{ '猴', 'Hầu' }, -- 9
{ '鸡', 'Kê' }, -- 10
{ '狗', 'Cẩu' }, -- 11
{ '猪', 'Trư' } -- 12
-- Calculate the cycle numbers from the year. The first sexagenary year corresponds to the ''previous'' year's entry
-- in [[Tibetan calendar correspondence table]], as the Tibetan New Year doesn't happen until Feb/Mar in
-- Gregorian years.
local sexagenaryYear1 = ( year - 4 ) % 60
local sexagenaryYear2 = ( year - 3 ) % 60
local heavenlyNum1 = (sexagenaryYear1 - 1) % 10 + 1 -- amod, since lua arrays are 1-indexed
local heavenlyNum2 = (sexagenaryYear2 - 1) % 10 + 1
local earthlyNum1 = (sexagenaryYear1 - 1) % 12 + 1
local earthlyNum2 = (sexagenaryYear2 - 1) % 12 + 1
-- Get the data tables for each permutation.
local heavenlyTable1 = heavenlyStems[ heavenlyNum1 ]
local heavenlyTable2 = heavenlyStems[ heavenlyNum2 ]
local earthlyTable1 = earthlyBranches[ earthlyNum1 ]
local earthlyTable2 = earthlyBranches[ earthlyNum2 ]
-- Work out the continously-numbered year. (See [[Tibetan calendar#Years with cardinal numbers]].)
local year1 = year + 126
local year2 = year + 127
local year1Alt1 = year1 - 381
local year1Alt2 = year1 - 1153
local year2Alt1 = year2 - 381
local year2Alt2 = year2 - 1153
-- Format any negative numbers.
year1 = formatNegative( tostring( year1 ) )
year2 = formatNegative( tostring( year2 ) )
year1Alt1 = formatNegative( tostring( year1Alt1 ) )
year1Alt2 = formatNegative( tostring( year1Alt2 ) )
year2Alt1 = formatNegative( tostring( year2Alt1 ) )
year2Alt2 = formatNegative( tostring( year2Alt2 ) )
-- Return all of that data in a (hopefully) reader-friendly format.
tibetan:setYear( string.format(
[=[%s%s年<br /><small>(%s-%s)</small><br />%s or %s or %s<br /> ''— to —''<br />%s%s年<br /><small>(%s-%s)</small><br />%s or %s or %s]=],
heavenlyTable1[ 1 ],
earthlyTable1[ 1 ],
heavenlyTable1[ 2 ],
earthlyTable1[ 2 ],
heavenlyTable2[ 1 ],
earthlyTable2[ 1 ],
heavenlyTable2[ 2 ],
earthlyTable2[ 2 ],
) )
box:addCalendar( tibetan )
-- Unix time
local unix = calendar:new()
local function getUnixTime( year )
if year < 1970 then return end
local noError, unixTime = pcall( lang.formatDate, lang, 'U', '1 Jan ' .. tostring( year ) )
if not noError or noError and not unixTime then return end
unixTime = tonumber( unixTime )
if unixTime and unixTime >= 0 then
return unixTime - 1
unix.thisYear = getUnixTime( year )
unix.nextYear = getUnixTime( year + 1 )
if unix.thisYear and unix.nextYear then
unix:setLink( 'Unix time' )
unix:setYear( (unix.thisYear + 1) .. " – " .. unix.nextYear )
box:addCalendar( unix )
return box:export()
-- Process arguments from #invoke
local p = {}
function p.main( frame )
-- Process the arguments and pass them to the box-building function.
local args = getArgs( frame )
-- Pass year argument with 'year' parameter or without any name but first argument
args.year = args.year or args[1]
return makeCalendarBox( args )
return p