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Cách sử dụng


This template is part of the Protected Areas WikiProject.

These selected fields can be used to form a completely functional Infobox. The template can be pasted into a new article. See below for working examples.

{{Infobox protected area
| name = 
| iucn_category = 
| photo = 
| photo_alt = 
| photo_caption = 
| photo_width = 
| map = 
| map_alt = 
| map_caption = 
| map_width = 
| location = 
| nearest_city = 
| lat_d = 
| lat_m = 
| lat_s = 
| lat_NS = 
| long_d = 
| long_m = 
| long_s = 
| long_EW = 
| coords_ref =
| region = 
| area = 
| established = 
| visitation_num = 
| visitation_year = 
| governing_body = 
| world_heritage_site = 
| url = 

Field descriptions


This table describes all fields which can be used in building infoboxes. Only the name field is required.

Field name Description
name Required. The official name of the protected area which will be displayed at the top of the infobox. In most cases this should be the same as the article name less any disambiguation. For example if the article title is Mount Washington (New Hampshire) then name = Mount Washington.
alt_name If there is a common English name for the area use it in the name field. This field can be used to display the name in the local language. If you would like the bold or italicize the text use wiki markup.
iucn_category Strongly recommended. The IUCN category associated with the protected area. Valid values are Ia, Ib, II, III, IV, V, or VI. See IUCN Categories.
photo The name of an image file to be displayed. No special formatting is needed
photo_width Can change the display width the image if it appears out of proportion. The default and maximum value is 283 pixels. Images with a horizontal orientation (landscape mode) will generally display well at the default setting. An image with vertical orientation (portrait mode) may need to be adjusted to 180 or 220 pixels. For example photo_width = 200 and not photo_width = 200px.
photo_alt Alt text for the photo, for visually impaired readers. See WP:ALT.
photo_caption The caption that will appear below the image if one is required.
map Chỉ điền tên quốc gia/vùng vào mục này. Xem thêm Cách thể hiện bản đồ.
map_width Can change the display width the map if it appears out of proportion to the rest of the infobox. The default and maximum width is 283 pixels but usually the map should be much smaller. For example map_width = 200 and not map_width = 200px.
map_alt Alt text for the map.
map_caption The caption that appears below the map if one is required.
Specify the position of the location marker on some types of maps. The coordinates of the marker in pixels based on a map width of 288 pixels. The template will scale these values for proper display.
label Text that will display when the mouse pointer is over the marker. A text message will be displayed next to the marker if label_position is assigned a valid value other than none. If label is not specified then name is used.
label_position Specifies the position of the label with respect to the marker. This is not functional when using the XY method for map display. Valid values are left, right, top, bottom and none. The default value is none which prevents the label from being displayed as visible text. See label.
location The location of the protected area. Don't be too precise. County, state and country are good in the USA. If the area is within a city specify the city, state and country. If the area is in multiple counties just list the state and country. For areas in other countries adjust accordingly.
nearest_city Recommended if the area is not within a city. It could be a city with a major airport or a large gateway town where supplies and lodging are available.
coords For the {{Coord}} template. Will not generate a location marker if a map is used. See below. When this option is used type, region, scale, source, format and display fields are not functional but this data can be entered in the Coord template. The defaults should be type:landmark and display:inline,title. See below.
lat_d The degrees of latitude. This value can be specified as a decimal degree and when this format is used minutes and seconds should not be specified. See below.
lat_m The minutes of latitude.
lat_s The seconds of latitude.
lat_NS N if north of the equator, S if south of the equator. Other values will be disregarded.
long_d The degrees of longitude. This value can be specified as a decimal degree and when this format is used minutes and seconds should not be specified. See below.
long_m The minutes of longitude.
long_s The seconds of longitude.
long_EW E if East of the prime meridian, W if west of the prime meridian. Other values will be disregarded.
coords_ref Can be used with either coordinate display method above. Strongly recommended. Specify a citation for the coordinates using <ref>...</ref> tags.
type The type of area. See type for valid values. Type sets the default map scale. If the default map scale is not appropriate consider adding a scale field. The default is landmark.
scale Determines the zoom factor for external map websites. See scale. The value is 1:10,000 for the default type which is landmark. Using scale = 50000 will change the zoom to 1:50,000.
region A country code. See ISO 3166-2:US, ISO 3166-2 and ISO 3166-1 alpha-2. For example US-OR is the code for Oregon. This computer readable code is recommended. It will not be displayed. See region.
source Source of the coordinate data. See source. For example gnis or ngs, etc. Not all possible values are recognized.
format Determines the format of the coordinate display. Valid values are dms for degrees, minutes and seconds, and dec for decimal degrees. The default currently is dms. There are ongoing discussions about which format should be used.
display Determines where the coordinates will be displayed. Valid values are inline and inline,title and their variants. The default is inline,title and is recommended.
area Area of the protected area. Usually in acres or square miles for US locations and hectares or square kilometres elsewhere. The {{Convert}} template should be used. Very small areas might be specified in square feet, square yards or square metres.
established The date the protected area was established. For example congress established Yosemite National Park on October 1, 1890.
visitation_num The annual number of visitors in a recent year if known.
visitation_year The year during which the number of visitors was counted.
visitation_ref Used with the visitation fields above. Highly recommended. Specify the a citation for the visitation data using <ref>...</ref> tags.
governing_body The agency or organization which controls or owns the protected area.
world_heritage_site The year the protected area was designated a World Heritage Site. Few areas have this designation
url The full URL of the official website with no formatting. For example: http://www.example.org/.

IUCN Categories


Depending on the value of the iucn_category field, one of the following banners will be displayed below the name. Valid values are Ia, Ib, II, III, IV, V and VI. For more information read the World Commission on Protected Areas article,

IUCN Category Ib (Wilderness Area)
IUCN Category II (National Park)
IUCN Category III (Natural Monument)
IUCN Category IV (Habitat/Species Management Area)
IUCN Category V (Protected Landscape/Seascape)
IUCN Category VI (Managed Resource Protected Area)

Map display methods


Any image of a map showing the location of the protected area can be used. There are two mechanisms by which maps using a marker can be displayed.

XY coordinate method


First the x and y coordinates in pixels must be found based on a map with a width of 288 pixels. Use the upper left hand corner as the origin. The sub-template {{Superimpose}} uses these special coordinates to superimpose the marker on the map image showing the location of the protected area.

locator_x is distance to offset the marker from the left edge of the map image in pixels.
locator_x is distance to offset the marker from the top edge of the map image in pixels.

The maximum and default display width is 283 pixels but smaller maps can be displayed by setting map_width to a different value.

Yosemite National Park
IUCN loại Ib (Vùng hoang dã)
Lỗi Lua trong Mô_đun:Location_map tại dòng 495: Không có giá trị kinh độ.
Vị tríCalifornia, United States
Thành phố gần nhấtMariposa
Diện tích761.266 mẫu Anh (3.080,73 km2)
Thành lậpOctober 1, 1890
Lượng khách3,280,911 (năm 2004)
Cơ quan quản lýNational Park Service
Di sản thế giới1984
{{Infobox protected area
| name = Yosemite National Park
| iucn_category = Ib
| map = US_Locator_Blank.svg
| map_alt = Located a bit northwest of the center of California, which is on the west coast of the U.S.
| map_caption = Map of the USA
| locator_x = 20
| locator_y = 84
| location = [[California]], [[United States]]
| nearest_city = [[Mariposa, California|Mariposa]]
| lat_d = 37.8499232
| long_d = -119.5676663
| region = US-CA
| scale = 300000
| area = {{convert|761266|acres|km2}}
| established = October 1, 1890
| visitation_num = 3,280,911
| visitation_year = 2004
| governing_body = [[National Park Service]]
| world_heritage_site = 1984
| url = http://www.nps.gov/yose/

Yosemite National Park is located at locator_x = 20 from the left of the image and locator_y = 84 from the top. You can experiment by pasting this example code into a sandbox and substituting your own values. A tutorial will be prepared shortly.

Automatic method


A marker can be superimposed on one of a set of special map templates. If values for locator_x and locator_y are not specified and geographical coordinates are specified without the use of the {{Coord}} template then a marker will be superimposed on the map selected from a set of map templates. These maps can be found at Location maps. All of the names begin with the words "Location map" followed by the area covered. The name you need to specify is the area name. The map template for the for Alberta, Canada is Location map Canada Alberta. In this case specify map = Canada Alberta. For example:

Dry Island Buffalo Jump Provincial Park
Vị tríAlberta, Canada
Thành phố gần nhấtThree Hills and Red Deer
Diện tích34,5 km2 (13,3 dặm vuông Anh)
Thành lậpDecember 15, 1970
Cơ quan quản lýAlberta Tourism, Parks, Recreation and Culture
{{Infobox protected area
| name = Dry Island Buffalo Jump Provincial Park
| iucn_category = III
| map = Canada Alberta
| map_alt = Located in south central Alberta, which in turn is one province away from the west coast of Canada
| map_caption = Map of Alberta, Canada 
| map_width = 175
| location = [[Alberta, Canada|Alberta]], [[Canada]]
| nearest_city = [[Three Hills, Alberta|Three Hills]] and [[Red Deer, Alberta|Red Deer]]
| lat_d = 51.9438889
| long_d = -112.9636110
| region = CA
| area = {{convert|34,5|km2|sqmi|abbr=on}}
| established = December 15, 1970
| governing_body = [[Alberta Tourism, Parks, Recreation and Culture]]
| display = inline

The maps in this template set for large areas use equirectangular projection. Large scale maps look different using this projection than those with which most are familiar. Most maps use some other method of projection. Compare the two maps bellow. The second uses equirectangular projection.

For technical reasons it is much easier for the template to use the second map. The distortion of the of the 49th parallel north which defines most of the US–Canadian border can be clearly seen. If the first map were to be used the marker would not appear in the proper location. With maps of smaller areas this difference is less critical. If you want to use larger maps consider using the XY method.

Coordinate syntax


Coordinates can be entered as decimal digits or using degrees, minutes and seconds. There is also the option of using the {{Coord}} template but this is not recommended since it does not allow for map functionality. If no map is to be displayed then the Coord template will work fine.

Example dms
Example dm
Example d
| lat_d = 33
| lat_m = 39
| lat_s = 3.6
| lat_NS = S
| long_d = 151
| long_m = 12
| long_s = 04
| long_EW = E
| lat_d = 33
| lat_m = 39
| lat_NS = S
| long_d = 151
| long_m = 12
| long_EW = E
| lat_d = 33
| lat_NS = S
| long_d = 151
| long_EW = E
Example unsigned dd
Example signed dd
| lat_d = 33.65100
| lat_NS = S
| long_d = 51.20100
| long_EW = E
| lat_d = -33.65100
| long_d = 51.20100

The coord template can be used with the following syntax. More information can be found at Template:Coord.


For additional examples see Coordinate examples.

The coordinates for Canadian places can be found using Geographical Name Search Service (GNSS). Coordinates for United States places can be found using Geographic Names Information System (GNIS). Another tool that will supply coordinates for many locations around the world can be found at univers immedia which uses Google Maps. These sites and many others provide coordinates using decimal degreess which are used in the example above. Using decimal degrees simplifies data entry and accuracy. By default the coordinates are displayed in degree, minute, second format. This is being considered. This can be changed by setting format=dec.

Infobox examples


With map only


Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park
Lỗi Lua trong Mô_đun:Location_map tại dòng 495: Không có giá trị kinh độ.
Vị tríNew South Wales, Australia
Thành phố gần nhấtSydney
Diện tích154 km2 (38.000 mẫu Anh)
Thành lậpOctober 1, 1967
Lượng khách2 Million (năm 2001)
Cơ quan quản lýDepartment of Environment and Climate Change
{{Infobox protected area
| name = Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park
| iucn_category = II
| map = Australia
| map_width = 200
| map_alt = Located on the east coast of Australia, about three quarters of the way down from the north
| location = [[New South Wales]], [[Australia]]
| nearest_city = [[Sydney]]
| lat_d = 33
| lat_m = 39
| lat_s = 3.6
| lat_NS = S
| long_d = 151
| long_m = 12
| long_s = 3.6
| long_EW = E
| region = AU
| display = inline
| area = {{convert|154|km2|acre|abbr=on}}
| established = October 1, 1967
| visitation_num = 2 Million
| visitation_year = 2001
| governing_body = [[Department of Environment and Climate Change (New South Wales)|Department of Environment and Climate Change]]

With photograph only


Yosemite National Park
IUCN loại Ib (Vùng hoang dã)
Mountain valley with sheer cliff on its left side, and a waterfall cascading into its right, with a clear blue sky above and many green trees below
Yosemite Valley from Tunnel View
Vị tríCalifornia, United States
Thành phố gần nhấtMariposa
Diện tích761.266 mẫu Anh (3.080,73 km2)
Thành lậpOctober 1, 1890
Lượng khách3,280,911 (năm 2004)
Cơ quan quản lýNational Park Service
Di sản thế giới1984
{{Infobox protected area
| name = Yosemite National Park
| iucn_category = Ib
| photo = 100 1325.JPG
| photo_alt = Mountain valley with sheer cliff on its left side, and a waterfall cascading into its right, with a clear blue sky above and many green trees below
| photo_caption = Yosemite Valley from Tunnel View
| location = [[California]], [[United States]]
| nearest_city = [[Mariposa, California|Mariposa]]
| lat_d = 37.8499232
| long_d = -119.5676663
| region = US-CA
| scale = 300000
| display = inline
| area = {{convert|761266|acres|km2}}
| established = October 1, 1890
| visitation_num = 3,280,911
| visitation_year = 2004
| governing_body = [[National Park Service]]
| world_heritage_site = 1984
| url = http://www.nps.gov/yose/

With no photograph or map


Harz National Park
Vị tríNiedersachsen and Saxony-Anhalt, Germany
Tọa độ51°47′0″B 10°34′0″Đ / 51,78333°B 10,56667°Đ / 51.78333; 10.56667
Diện tích8.900 hécta (22.000 mẫu Anh)
Thành lập1990, 1994, 2006
Cơ quan quản lýNationalparkverwaltung Harz
{{Infobox protected area
| name = Harz National Park
| native_name = Nationalparkverwaltung Harz
| iucn_category = II
| location = [[Niedersachsen]] and [[Saxony-Anhalt]], [[Germany]]
| nearest_city = 
| coords = {{coord|51|47|00|N|10|34|00|E|region:DE_type:landmark|display=inline}}
| area = {{convert|8900|ha|acre}}
| established = 1990, 1994, 2006
| visitation_num = 
| visitation_year = 
| governing_body = Nationalparkverwaltung Harz

With photograph and map


Dry Island Buffalo Jump Provincial Park
A green valley with a river and a road running somewhat parallel to the river
Panoramic view
Vị tríAlberta, Canada
Thành phố gần nhấtThree Hills
Diện tích34,5 km2 (13,3 dặm vuông Anh)
Thành lậpDecember 15, 1970
Cơ quan quản lýAlberta Tourism, Parks and Recreation
{{Infobox protected area
| name = Dry Island Buffalo Jump Provincial Park
| photo = Dry Island Provincial Park2.jpg
| photo_alt = A green valley with a river and a road running somewhat parallel to the river
| photo_caption = Panoramic view
| iucn_category = III
| map = Canada Alberta
| map_alt = Located in south central Alberta, which in turn is one province away from the west coast of Canada
| map_caption = Map of Alberta, Canada 
| map_width = 175
| location = [[Alberta, Canada|Alberta]], [[Canada]]
| nearest_city = [[Three Hills, Alberta|Three Hills]]
| lat_d = 51
| lat_m = 56
| lat_s = 10
| lat_NS = N
| long_d = 112
| long_m = 57
| long_s = 41
| long_EW = W
| coords_ref = <ref name=gnss>
 {{chú thích web
 | url = http://gnss.nrcan.gc.ca/gnss-srt/searchName.jsp?language=en
 | title = Geographical Name Search Service
 | publisher = Natural Resources Canada
 | accessdate = 2009-04-26 }}</ref>
| display = inline
| region = CA
| area = {{convert|34.5|km2|sqmi|abbr=on}}
| established = December 15, 1970
| governing_body = [[Alberta Tourism, Parks and Recreation]]

  1. ^ “Geographical Name Search Service”. Natural Resources Canada. Truy cập ngày 26 tháng 4 năm 2009.



The HTML mark up produced by this template includes an hCard microformat, which makes the area name and location parsable by computers, either acting automatically to catalogue article across Wikipedia, or via a browser tool operated by a person, to (for example) add the subject to an address book. Within the hCard is a Geo microformat, which additionally makes the coordinates (latitude & longitude) parsable, so that they can be, say, looked up on a map, or downloaded to a GPS unit. For more information about the use of microformats on Wikipedia, please visit WikiProject Microformats.