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This template is intended where a short in-text citation link is adequate to get the point across and where including a full citation might be overkill (as, for example, on talk pages).

To use this template, one must give the PMID abstract number.

Do đó: {{PMID3|12345}}
Hiển thị: PMID 12345

Since the Wikipedia software recognizes in-text PMIDs automatically, it is not normally necessary to use this template when only a single PMID should be given.

However, this template also supports up to 9 PMIDs, so the template comes in helpful to conveniently format lists of PMIDs (for example, in tables):

Hence: {{PMID3|12345|23456|34567|45678|56789}}

Hiển thị: PMID 12345, 23456, 34567, 45678, 56789

For leadouts different from the default "," this can be specified using the optional |leadout= parameter:


Hiển thị: PMID 12345, 23456, 34567, 4567856789

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