Đây là tiêu bản hộp thông tin cho mọi loại đặc điểm địa lý. Phiên bản này (hay Geobox 2) thay thế cho các tiêu bản Geobox (hay Geobox 1) cũ. Do đó Geobox 2 không có các tiêu bản cụ thể cho từng đặc điểm địa lý cụ thể mà chỉ có một tiêu bản có thể áp dụng cho mọi loại dữ liệu dùng trong Geoboxes 1.0. Ngoại trù cách gọi tiêu bản, mọi tên trường không thay đổi.

Đặc trưng


Geoboxes 2 duy trì các chức năng như Geoboxes 1:

  • tự tạo liên kết wiki;
  • chuyển đổi đơn vị tự động giữa hệ mét với hệ Anh-Mỹ;
  • tự động đặt điểm đánh dấu vị trí trên bản đồ định vị (nếu có) theo các tọa độ hay giá trị X/Y;
  • không cần định dạng dữ liệu đầu vào, nó được tiêu bản tự thực hiện.

Một vài đặc trưng mới:

  • nhiều trường mới;
  • bản đồ nền;
  • danh sách tùy chọn có thể đóng lại được cho mọi trường;
  • cờ tự động tùy chọn cho quốc gia và/hoặc bang;
  • các thể loại quốc tế như Di sản thế giới vì thế không cần hộp thông tin thứ hai trên cùng một trang

Sử dụng

 Please do read at least this!
  • Copy the appropriate blank template into the edited page and fill in the fields. Do not re-use a template from another page.
  • Please don't erase empty fields which might be completed later. Such empty fields are not displayed and don't hinder anything.
  • Do not put multiple items into a single field, use indexed fields. Not: city = Valencia, Alicante, Murcía but city = Valencia | city1 = Alicante | city2 = Murcía
  • It isn't necessary to put [[ and ]] markup around anything that links to an existing article, the template does it for you. All cities in the example above will be linked to the appropriate articles. To turn off auto-linking, put the <nowiki></nowiki> tag around the text.
  • Before raising a question read the documentation. Though not perfect it contains valuable information.


field explanation
name short name (without City of … etc., use official_name)
native_name native name if different from the English one, it is printed in brackets on the same line as name
other_name, other_name1 … other names
category type of location, can be a type of protected area, settlement type etc., if left blank the first parameter with which the Geobox is called is used (i.e. River, Valley, Settlement etc.)
native_category native category if different from the English one, it is printed in brackets on the same line as category
category_hide If this parameter is set, no category is shown at all. The line where it would have been shown is removed.
image a photograph
image_size photograph size in pixels (set to 256 if left blank)
image_alt alt text for photograph, for visually impaired readers who cannot see the image. See WP:ALT.
image_caption photograph caption
official_name official name (long form)
etymology etymology (origin) of the name, do not enter lengthy prose, examples:
  • terre bonne, French for good earth
  • Penn, William Penn and sylvania, Latin for woods
  • Thomas Jefferson, when named for a person, add etymology_type = Named for
  • Orange River, when named for a place, add etymology_type = Named for
motto location motto (usually for cities)
nickname, nickname1 … location nickname(s)
flag official flag or banner
flag_size flag size in pixels (set to 120 if left blank), without px
flag_border if set it places a border around the flag, useful when the flag image itself has no border and it is in light colors (see Poděbrady)
symbol official seal, shield, coat-of arms etc.
symbol_size symbol size in pixels (set to 120 if left blank), without px
symbol_border if set it places a border around the symbol, useful when the flag image itself has no border and it is in light colors
Enter either just the appropriate administrative division name if the article on it has the same name (example: state = Illinois, NB you don't need to eneter the wiki mark-up [[ and ]]) or, usually when the article and the administrative unit name contains its type (XXX County, District XXX, XXX Municipality), use piped wikilink in the format (example: district = [[Martin District|Martin]]'') to prevent double display of the administrative unit title.
country, country1 … country/countries in which the location lies
state, state1 … state(s), in which the location lies, use | state_type= to change displayed from "State" to another e.g. "Province", "County"
region, region1 … region(s) in which the location lies
district, district1 … district(s) which the location lies
municipality, municipality1 … municiplity/municipalities in which the location lies
Family - various features that lie within the area
parent, parent1… e.g. parent valley, higher orographic units
range range in which the location lies
border, border1… bordering ranges, regions
part parts into which the location can be divided, can be a list of municipalities, lower orographic units etc., up to 42 parts can be defined
tributary_left, tributary_left1…, tributary_right, tributary_right1…, major tributaries, listed as the river flows downstream (e.g., right tributary enters on the right-descending river bank)
child_left, child_left1…, child_right, child_right1…, major children, e.g. side valleys
city, city1… important settlements in the area
landmark, landmark1… important landmarks in the area
river, river1… important rivers in the area
building, building1… important buildings in the area
location location name (e.g. name of main square in a city)
elevation location elevation in metres (feet)
prominence location prominence in metres (feet)
lat_d … location coordinates (lat_d, lat_m, lat_s, lat_NS, long_d, long_m, long_s, long_EW, coordinates_note), these coordinates are used for automated locator dot placement
highest, highest_… highest point of the area, highest field should contain the name, highest_location, highest_elevation, highest_lat_d … are defined too, also highest_region, highest_country, highest_country1 for defining more precisely where the location lies (e.g. for highest point of a range, highest_region field can be used for a part of the range, not necessarily administrative region)
lowest, lowest_… lowest point of the area, same additional fields as for highest
River locations
source, source1 main and secondary source, same additional fields as for highest
source_confluence source_confluence, same additional fields as for highest
mouth mouth (estuary), same additional fields as for highest, use the main field for the river or sea into which it empties
length, length_orientation length in kilometers (miles) or metres (feet) for buildings
width, width_orientation length in kilometers (miles) or metres (feet) for buildings
height height in metres (feet)
depth depth in metres (feet)
volume volume in cubic metres (feet)
watershed watershed (discharge basin) area in square kilometers (miles)
area, area_land, area_water, area_urban, area_metro, area1… appropriate area in km² (mi²) or m² (ft²) for buildings, area_share, area_land_share etc. might be used to set a percentual share of the area in the total area, these can be assigned the auto value to have the value calculated automatically (it will always be calculated as given are figure divided by total area), area_share_round etc. might be used to set rounding precision
discharge_location location (typically a settlement) where the following figures come from. There are two special cases:
  • mouth is displayed as [[Mouth (river)|mouth]]
  • source is displayed as [[River source|source]]
discharge average discharge in m3/s (ft3/s)
discharge_max maximal discharge in m3/s (ft3/s), use discharge_max_note to indicate what the figure signifies (day of max discharge, season)
discharge_min minimal discharge in m3/s (ft3/s), use discharge_min_note to indicate what the figure signifies (day of min discharge, season)
discharge1_location … additional location where average discharge is provided
discharge1 … additional location average discharge in m3/s (ft3/s)
population, population_urban, population_metro, population1… appropriate population figure
population_date, population_urban_date, population_metro_date, population1_date, population1_date… year or date to which population figures relate
population_density, population_urban_density, population_metro_density appropriate population density figure in /km² (/mi²), if value auto is assigned the density is calculated from appopriate area and population figures
geology, geology1… geological composition (rocks)
orogeny, orogeny1… orogenic process(es) by which the area was created
period, period1… geologic periods in which the area was created
biome, biome1… major biomes/ecosystems in the area
plant, plant1… major plants growing in the area
animal, animal1… major animals living in the area
author, author1… author/designer/creater of a man-made object
style, style1… building styles (e.g. Gothic)
material, material1… material from of which the object (monument, statue) is made (e.g. granite)
History & management
established, established1… establishment/foundation date, numbered fields can contain year of status upgrade, incorporation, enlargement etc. The earliest should use {{Start date}}.
date, date1… other dates which do not fit in established
government, government_… governing body, same additional fields as for highest
management, management_… managing body, same additional fields as for highest
owner owner of the site
mayor mayor of the settlement, mayor_party might be added
leader, leader1 … leaders of the region, settlement (then the first field automatically displays Mayor), _party might be added
public is the site accessible for public, some text
visitation, visitation_date visitation for given year
access easiest access way
ascent, ascent1…, ascent_date first ascent by and year
discovery, discovery1…, discovery_dete discovered by and year
timezone, utc_offset timezone name and its UTC offset
timezone_DST, utc_offset_DST summer/daylight saving timezone name and its UTC offset
iso_code, iso_subcode Links to appropriate ISO 3166-2 article. Both parameters must be given.
postal_code, area_code, code, code1 Various identification codes
UNESCO World Heritage, IUCN, and Topographic Mapping
whs_name, whs_year, whs_number, whs_region, whs_criteria World Heritage Site Classification, values are automatically linked to appropriate pages at UNESCO, session number is automatically generated from the year, region can be number from 1 to 5 and it is automatically expanded
category_iucn IUCN category number (Roman), it is automatically expanded into type
topo_map, topo_maker Information on topographic maps displaying the feature. topo_map is generally the topo quad name (e.g., Sinks of Gandy). topo_maker is the agency that produced the map in abbreviation form (e.g., USGS for U.S. Geological Survey) and is auto-wikilinking.
Free fields
free, free_type, free1, free1_type… free fields for any purpose (it currently supports up to 8 fields). The entry opposite free= is the result of the entry. The entry free_type= is the type. See Shinnecock Canal for an example.
Map section
map, map1, map2 map showing river, its basin, tributaries etc.
map_size… map size in pixels (set to 256 if left blank)
map_background… background map for SVG overlays
map_alt… alt text for map; see WP:ALT
map_caption… map caption
map_locator… calibrated map from Geobox locator
map_locator_x, map_locator_y relative location dot position in percent of the map width, without the "%" symbol
commons Wikimedia Commons category with more images
statistics statistical site link
website official or major website
footnotes any unformated footnotes

Field behavior


There exist base fields whose output can be modified or extended by adding additional fields, these always bear the name of the base field plus the name of the additional field starting with an underscore ("_"). The additional fields are not present in the blank templates as they can be added to virtually any Geobox. Following additional fields are defined for all base fields:

  • _type - for redefining the default field name, e.g. the default field name for the region field is Region, adding region_type it can be changed to display Province, Department …. N.B.: keep the text short, it is always displayed on one line, if it is too long, the left column of the geobox gets too wide.
  • _note - any sort of note which is printed after the field value, it can be even a reference, though the author of Geoboxes discourages from doing so as the implementation of <ref></ref> tags is very poor. The note is printed in a bit different font, currently implemented as italics.
  • _label : puts the HTML title property on the item (the text displays on hover), it's useful for hints, it can be a longer text then the _type field.

The fields that link to existing articles don't need to be put between [[ and ]] markup, this is added automatically if the page exists. However, the markup can be used when the text of the link is different from the link itself, e.g. [[Amazon|Solimões]]. To turn off auto-linking, put the <nowiki></nowiki> tag around the text, e.g. <nowiki>Cedar Lake</nowiki>.

Multiple fields

  • Some fields might contain multiple values, these are not to be put in a single field and separated by commas but using numbered additional fields (e.g. for the country field there also exist country1, country2, country3 …. The additional "indexed" fields are usually not present in the blank templates. Usually up to 16 such fields can be used.
  • When there are too many indexed fields, adding appropriate _fold = 1 parameter causes the values to be "folded" upon page load, with the "show/button" enabling the values to be shown/hidden.
  • For countries and states adding appropriate _flag = 1 parameter prints a small flag in front of every country/state in the list.



All figures can be in either metric (default) or imperial (miles, feet etc.) units; the Geoboxes display both, automatically calculating imperial figures from metric or metric from imperial ones. Unformated numbers (i.e. without commas) must be entered, otherwise the auto-conversion produces an error. The output is "nicely" formatted. Following additional fields can be used:

  • _imperial - for input in imperial/customary units
  • _round - for changing the rounding precision of auto-conversion, it's the position from the decimal point to which the figure is rounded, negative values can be used when the input figure is rounded/approximate, default value is 0
  • _unit - for changing the default unit, appropriate unit abbreviation should be used; the default unit for e.g. area is usually square kilometre (or square mile respectively), this can be changed to ha for hectare, acre for acre etc.

The last two additional fields are defined for every field using any units, if there is a set of similar fields, e.g. for area (area, area_land, area_water etc., the _round and _unit fields of the basic one are applied on all of them if they aren't specifically set)



Coordinates can be entered in two ways:

  • using separate _d, _m, _s…fields, _s and _m can be dropped out, the coordinate display template is adjusted accordingly
  • using just _d field and a decimal number, the hemisphere can be defined by either _NS, _EW fields or by using negative figures for western and southern hemisphere (these two systems mustn't be combined)

For every location type which can be described in coordinates, there exist two additional fields

  • _coordinates_type (named coordinates_type for the main location), which can be used to override the default type and region for coordinates. If coordinates_type is needed, the possible parameters are described at WP:GEO#Parameters
If coordinates_type is not used:
  • The coordinates region parameter will be set according to "country", e.g. "country = United Kingdom" will generate coordinates with "region:GB". For Canada and the United States, in addition, "state" will be used, e.g. "country = Canada" and "state = Ontario" will result in "region:CA-ON".
  • The coordinates type parameter has the following default values:
    • "type:city" for Geobox Borough|City|Settlement|settlement|town|Town|Township|Village
    • "type:river" for Geobox River|Stream|Creek
    • "type:mountain" for Geobox Mountain|Range (The use of this template for mountain ranges is deprecated. Use {{Infobox mountain range}} instead. The remaining instances are being replaced.)
    • "type:isle" for Geobox Island
    • "type:adm1st" for Geobox Province for a series of countries where provinces are first level subdivision. For all currently undefined countries, this renders as type:state
    • "type:landmark" for all other features
For "type:city", if the value in field "population" is a number, coordinates type is set to "type:city(population)". If the population field includes text, symbols or commas, "type:city" is used instead.
  • _coordinates_format (named coordinates_format for the main location) to override how the coordinates are displayed, if the input is decimal the output is decimal too, if the input is DMS so is the output, the possible values are self-explanatory dms and dec

Both _type and _format fields can be defined for every location with coordinates separately or by the general coordinates_type and coordinates_format fields.

If coordinates_no_title is assigned any value (typically just 1), it switches off generation of the coordinates in the title of the page, this is useful when another template on the page displays the coordinates in the title too and it cannot be turned off.

coordinates_note can be used with lat_d, long_d, etc. to provide a note or reference.

Please be sensible when setting the coordinates, tenths or hundredths of seconds mean unnecessary centimeter precicision.

The map field should be used for a location map of the feature, i.e. where it is located within a country. The location map can be of three types:

  • Self-contained location map, as in Greater Fatra, for example.
  • Semi-automated locator dot. The map field contains background map, whereas locator_x and locator_y contain relative coordinates of the locator dot (as a percent of the map width, inserted without the % symbol), this system can be used when the map is not (or cannot be) calibrated for the automated locator dot.
  • Fully automated locator dot. If coordinates of the location are defined in the Geobox and a calibrated map exists, the locator dot is placed automatically based on the coordinates (map_locator field defines the appropriate map calibration), as in Ostrá, for example. The same locator calibration can be used for all maps derived from one base map; e.g., Lysá hora and Plasy share the same calibration, though the background map is different. The existing calibrations are listed here: Geobox locator.

See also Template talk:Geobox2 map for further info on maps.

Geobox layout

  • geobox_width - width of the Geobox in pixels (without px, just the figure), it can be used when there are more Geoboxes or images stacked below each other and the same width is desirable; not in blank templates.

Geobox 1.0 > Geobox 2.0 conversion


There's now a testing version of a semi-automated tool that can convert a page with Geobox 1.0 template to a page with Geobox 2.0. The tool is located at


You must add the full address to the page to convert at the end of the previous link, e.g.


It changes the template call and rearranges the fields in the Geobox 2 style (and it also renames several fields, although the old field names are accepted too). The page you get displayed is the full wiki text of the article with the converted Geobox. Just copy it all end paste it over all the text in the edit field of the page.