Bản mẫu:Convert/royal cubit
{{convert/{{{d}}}|{{{1}}}||||s=|r={{{r}}} |u=cu |n=cubit hoàng gia |h=cubit hoàng gia |l=cubit hoàng gia |o=mm |b=0.524
The converter Template:Convert/royal cubit, a subtemplate of Template:Convert, can convert from Egyptian royal cubits, using a factor of 1 cubit = 524 mm.[1] Although some sources use a factor of 523,5 milimét (20,61 in), the precision as 524 mm seems more reasonable for the typical measurement accuracy of the time period, giving a margin of error of 0,5 milimét (0,020 in), or within 1/50 of an inch.