Tài liệu bản mẫu[xem] [sửa] [lịch sử] [làm mới]

This template is used to create citations to archival holdings.



{{cite archive |first= |last= |item = |item-url = |type = |item-id = |date = |page= |pages= |fonds = |series = |file = |box= |collection = |collection-url = |repository = |institution = |location = |oclc= |accession= |ref=}}



{{cite archive |first= Booth|last= Tarkington|item = Booth Tarkington letter to George Ade |type =Textual record |date = May 8, 1924 |series = Correspondence, ca. 1882-1947|file =Correspondence, Sto-U, ca. 1894-1943 |box= Tarkington, Booth, ca. 1905-1943|collection = George Ade Papers, 1878-2007 |repository =Virginia Kelly Karnes Archives and Special Collections Research Center |institution =Purdue University |location =West Lafayette, IN}}

Displays as

Tarkington, Booth. "Booth Tarkington letter to George Ade" (May 8, 1924) [Textual record]. George Ade Papers, 1878-2007, Series: Correspondence, ca. 1882-1947, Box: Tarkington, Booth, ca. 1905-1943, File: Correspondence, Sto-U, ca. 1894-1943. West Lafayette, IN: Virginia Kelly Karnes Archives and Special Collections Research Center, Purdue University.

Required parameters

collection : Name of collection, e.g. George Ade Papers, 1878-2007
institution : Name of institution, e.g. "Purdue University"

Optional parameters

item : Name of item in collection, e.g. "Booth Tarkington letter to George Ade"
item-url : link to item description page, e.g http://earchives.lib.purdue.edu/cdm/ref/collection/earhart/id/3422
first : When the item cited has an author, use this field for their first name (and initial if present), e.g. "Booth"
firstn :
last : When the item cited has an author, use this field for their last name, e.g. "Tarkington"; aliases: |author=, |author1=
lastn : alias: |authorn=
author: can be used instead of |last= and |first=, for example when there is a corporate author
type : type of item (e.g. photograph, textual record, multimedia), e.g. "Textual record"
item-id : unique object identifier where it exists
date : Date of item creation, e.g. "May 8, 1924"
page : page number where it exists
pages :
series : series of the item, e.g. "Correspondence, ca. 1882-1947"
fonds : name of the fonds being cited - not always used, collection can be used as well. If both exist, use both.
box : name of box, e.g. "Correspondence, Sto-U, ca. 1894-1943"
file : file of the item, e.g. "Tarkington, Booth, ca. 1905-1943"
collection-url : Link to collection guide or finding aid for the collection where it exists
repository : Name of repository, if different than institution, e.g. "Virginia Kelly Karnes Archives and Special Collections Research Center"
location : Physical location of institution, e.g. West Lafayette, IN
oclc : Online Computer Library Center identifier, not always used
accession : number to indicate when an item was added to a collection, not always used
author-mask :
author-maskn :
author-link :
author-linkn :
last-author-amp :
display-authors :
ref :
mode :

Error messages

cite archive: invalid |display-authors=
cite archive: more than one of |<param>= and |<param>=
cite archive: |collection= required
cite archive: |institution= required


Đây là tài liệu Dữ liệu bản mẫu cho bản mẫu này được sử dụng bởi Trình soạn thảo trực quan và các công cụ khác; xem báo cáo sử dụng tham số hàng tháng cho bản mẫu này.

Dữ liệu bản mẫu cho Cite archive

A citation for Archival holdings -- the citation can be used to describe objects at a variety of levels from collections, but assumes that the object are at a research institution, in a specific collection.

Tham số bản mẫu[Quản lý Dữ liệu bản mẫu]

Tham sốMiêu tảKiểuTrạng thái

The specific collection at an institution

Chuỗi dàibắt buộc

The institution which curates the archival holdings.

Không rõbắt buộc

item referenced

Không rõtùy chọn

url for description or digital version of item

Không rõtùy chọn

unique identifier for item

Không rõtùy chọn

name of box in which materials are held

Không rõtùy chọn

First name of author cited

Không rõtùy chọn

last name of author cited

Không rõtùy chọn

Series in which items are catelogued

Không rõtùy chọn

Name of the fonds being cited -- may use collection instead

Không rõtùy chọn

See also
